Dear 2016,
Thank you for making this one of the toughest years of my life, and thank you for teaching me more about myself than I ever thought I would learn. Thank you for bringing me great friends and relationships, but also teaching me about toxic relationships and friendships as well. I'm sorry I blamed you for all that went wrong when I really should've looked within myself.
Dear 2017,
Please be good to me. Teach me more about myself, and teach me more about self-love than I ever thought I could know. Teach me how to love others the way they have loved me, and teach me to be stronger and honest with myself. Teach me how to not blame others but myself for my mistakes and my bad days.
It's 2017, and we're all scheming about what our New Year's Resolutions will be, or what they will be about. Most of us will say we'll lose weight, but end up giving in two weeks into the year. Some of us will give up certain food types to eat healthier and feel better, but end up eating candy in bed late at night. Most of us want a New Years Resolution that changes us, but why don't we all change our thought process and aim this new year to love ourselves more?
All around me this last year, I've heard how 2016 was either the worst or best year of someone's life, and for me it was one of the worst. I personally felt victimized by the year and hurt by some things that happened. Although 2016 was ultimately a good year, I still had trouble blaming myself for some of the things that went wrong through out. Personally, I'd like to apologize to 2016 for all the hate it's gotten.
This year, my New Years Resolution is to practice more self love and less hatred on things I can't control or even begin to control. My life consisted of self-hate and mental health issues that I already couldn't control, but this past year really taught me a lot about who I am as a person. I've learned more about my emotions, my connections with others, and myself than I ever thought I would because of 2016.
I want to learn to love the curves on my body and I want to learn to change my perception of myself this year. I want to learn more about how to change and learn throughout the year, and throughout the rest of my life. I want others to think about this as well. I want you to think about what it's like to truly love yourself under no conditions, or no presumptions from others. You deserve to be loved by yourself, and you deserve to be loved by others. Make 2017 the year of love, and make it the year to love yourself.