Because of you, I've been raised to genuinely believe that I am not good enough. Nothing I do is right. Once I achieved a goal that you've set for me, you told me why it didn't count because I didn't do it the exact way you wanted me to do it. Even though you never explained the specific rules. You have wreaked havoc on my self esteem and my well being.
I've spent my whole life seeking your recognition and validation only to find nothing but more insecurities and reasons as to why I am not worthy of your praise. In certain circumstances, I'm afraid to speak up and speak my mind. I am chronically unsure of myself and constantly worried about what others think of me. So afraid of failure that it's paralyzing and I have actually not followed through on some things because of that fear. You've been the one to point out all of my flaws and all of the reasons "why I'm alone" and "why I have yet to succeed".
Today I've decided to turn the mirror around and point it at you. You are the epitome of a narcissistic parent. Your head is so inflated with your own importance that you lack empathy for anyone else who is striving for their own success. You are so preoccupied with your own success and fantasies of your power that you're blind to how you're destroying the children that you brought into this world.
After 22 years of having the leader of the "narcissistic parade" as a parent, I finally see your true colors. The depression, anxiety, and stress that I suffer from stems from you and your self centered ways. I have gone through my entire adult life feeling like I'm not good enough, a failure, and a let down. I suffer everyday because of your own psychological condition.
Today I'm done being your punching bag. Today I will no longer attempt to play by the rules of your constantly changing game and accepting limits that you have set for me just because you think you can. Today I take back the reins to my own self. Today you have lost all control.