Dear Nameless Face,
I have no idea what was running through your head when you decided to attack not one, but two different women on my campus. I can tell you now, you haven't and will not win. Yes, you have scared women, but what you haven't realized is that since your attacks, we have come together. We have decided to not only let the authorities protect us, but we have decided to protect ourselves.
I don't know who you are, but thank you. You have done something that I don't think anyone else could have done for women at Castleton. Do you know how many of us now carry mace? How about how many of us are walking together? Instead of bringing us down and weakening us, you have made us stronger. You have brought us back to the reality that we were ignoring because of everything else we've been distracted by.
To say you didn't win may have been too much. You did win one thing. Some of us are afraid to walk alone. That fear has driven many of us to act. Where others may be afraid to walk outside alone at night, they keep pressing on and nothing else has changed.
The message you should take away from this letter Mr. Namless Face is that you will be hard-pressed to find any woman on my campus that is not willing to protect themselves or other women. So on behalf of all the women on my campus and all the women who come to visit my campus, thank you. We are ready for you, we are not giving into our fears, and you have lost.
Next time you see a young lady on campus holding her purse or wallet, think before you might just get a nasty reward for your efforts. I should also tell you...women will fight back.