In all 19 years of my life, I’ve never met a person like you. You are incredibly strong willed and you love everyone and everything so passionately. You take all bullsh*t life and even I have thrown at you and you show that there is more to give back than negativity. You’ve never once just been rude to be rude. You have guided 5 children to become beautifuly spirited humans. I aspire to be like you so much that each time I even hear someone imply we are similar I tear up. I can honestly say that you’ve been more than a mother to me, but you definitely make sure I know that you're still the boss. HA! Really though, thank you for the shopping sprees and the prayers.
Thank you for reminding me each and everyday how much you love me. I remember growing up I used to dress up in your clothes and walk around the house in your heels. I watched who you were and how amazing you were. I still wear the clothes you have in your closet, just this time they actually fit. While I’ve moved further away from home than you or I could’ve expected just know that I have always appreciate the text messages you send. Especially that you're a “cool mom” and the Bitmoji is the only way you communicate with me now, I’m just glad you don’t send me GIFs that much.
Mom, I don’t think you're ever given enough credit. Wether that be from me and your other children who mis-use your love and your trust or the others outside of our family. I know I don’t say thank you enough. No one knows you in the same way that I know you. I pride myself on our bonds and our inside jokes. I cherish the times we've just ran around the house singing. I know that you're my biggest supporter, my number one fan! You’ve taught me that it’s not about winning or losing, but it’s about the work and the passion that goes into what you do.
As I keep growing up and moving onto new journeys and going further and further away from home I can asure you this: You have brought me this far and held my hand as I have crossed streets. I have followed in your footsteps and watched your paths. I want you to know that because you have been an outstanding mother you’ve made it easer for me to want to be an outstanding daughter and even contributor to society.
I have been blessed by the things you’ve taught me. I have been blessed by who you are. Thank you for being more than a mom. I cannot imagine how different my life would've been if I wouldn’t have had a strong, independent, intelligent woman like you guiding me all the way through life. Thank you for the hugs and kisses the brought me to this moment. Thank you for inspiring me each day. Thank you for being you, my best friend. I love you to the moon in back.
Your daughter who aspires to be like you