To My Hero,
Thank you for loving me through my darkest times and never letting me lose hope. I believe that sometimes God will let us hit rock bottom and sink to our weakest point in order for us to kneel down before Him and realize that He is enough. When Christ is all we have, we still have all we need. This is something you constantly reminded me of. There are so many things you’ve said to me that will forever be in my head as reminders that I am loved and that I am worthy.
I would like to thank you for a few things. I want to thank you for the sleepless nights where you would stay up on the phone with me as I cried and cried wondering if things will ever get better. You assured me over and over again that there are greater things ahead if I just make it through until the morning. You sat and prayed for me over and over again on the phone until I felt more at peace. You decided to love a broken girl. You could have been with anyone, but you chose to love me instead and become part of my healing journey. In fact, you were one of the biggest reasons why I am here today as a better and stronger person than I ever was.
Thank you for showing me how a woman deserves to be treated. You taught me that I should only be touched with hands of love. Physical abuse was not an option. You showed me that couples can argue without being hit or shoved around. I learned that arguments can be healthy if handled in the proper way. You taught me that a gentleman will open my car door as you did every time, and you never missed it once. I learned that words should only be spoken out of compassion from the man I am with. Emotional abuse is NOT ok and there is never an excuse for it. These are things that may seem obvious to others, but coming from the abusive relationships I had, I didn’t know what was right or wrong. I honestly never knew how well a man could treat me and love me the right way. I will never again let any man disrespect me or treat me in a way that I fear him.
Thank you for accepting my past. I was sure that my past trauma and my past mistakes would drive you away. Instead, you took all of it as new ways to learn to love me and support my healing process. You let me be transparent and vulnerable. All of the secrets chaining me down were finally released while I cried in your arms and told you everything I wished someone could know and help me overcome. I wasn’t scared anymore to speak out the truth. You taught me that I am not a victim of my past, yet I am a survivor of my future. For the first time in such a long time, I wanted to live life. I wanted to live it to the fullest and was excited for what the future holds.
Thank you for never giving up on me. You will always have the biggest place in my heart.
The girl who loves herself again