To the man my mother falls in love with,
I’m watching you. Not only am I watching you, but I’m also watching my mother. I am watching her become anxious when she is trying on an outfit for the first date with you. I am watching the smile on her face as she comes home telling me every single detail about the past few hours because that’s what best friends do.
I am watching her smile to herself when she sees your name light up on her phone. I am watching her slowly fall in love with you. I want to let you know that I am watching you. Not because I want to find any flaws in you, but because I owe it to the woman who has spent my entire life watching me.
You are approaching dangerous territory, my mother is a freaking powerhouse -- I hope you love it as much as I do. This woman raised a phenomenal family by herself, and the reality is, nobody could have done it better than her. She is not going to settle for just anybody -- in fact, she’s not going to settle at all. If my mother is falling for you, it’s because you are the best damn guy around, so you can pat yourself on the back for that one. However, you are in for a long and bumpy road.
My family is insane. I will come right out and say it. We are wild and reckless and used to doing whatever we want, whenever we want. We are not a traditional family. We don’t have organized family meals together, we don’t feel the need to express a lot of emotion and we don’t really hug that often. We don’t have to do those things because we are the shit. In my family, when it comes to men, we like to bring them in, chew them up and spit them out (kindly). This family is used to surviving on our own, and honestly we have been thriving.
But now we have you in the picture, and I cannot be any happier. I have spent my entire life looking up to my mother. I have watched her work her ass off to get to where she is today. She is the person that I strive to be like every single day. If I said I didn’t want her to fall in love with the right man, I would be lying. I have spent years dreaming of the day the right guy would come along and sweep my mother off her feet, because she truly deserves it.
My mother is not one to fall in love quickly. That is something I have always admired her for. She dips her toes in the water and keeps them there for about four hours, takes them out for three days, then apprehensively tries again a week later. So I am here to let you know that this is about to be one of the most difficult, mind-blowing, peculiar relationships you have ever been in. You are going to need to know a few things if you are not petrified already.
Treat her right. My mother is the most caring and compassionate person that I know. Treat her likewise, or I can guarantee you that you wont be around much longer.
Remind her that she is doing a great job. When you meet my family, observe how we are together. Watch how we talk and how open we are with what we are thinking. And when the nights over, look her in the eyes and tell her the truth: she has raised the best damn family you have ever seen, and you have no idea how she was able to do it on her own.
Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you’re being pushed away. I can guarantee you that in this family, people come and go, but the people that we love are always on our minds. Even if you don’t hear from her for a few days, reach out. You will always get a response.
If you break her heart, so help me god, you are going to regret it. This woman has been my biggest protector. She has picked up the pieces for everyone in my life who was unsuccessful at keeping their promises to me. She has taught me to never accept any type of love that I don’t think I deserve. This woman deserves the world and more. If you are not willing to go above and beyond for her, then you can see yourself to the door.
I don’t know if you can tell by now, but I am a little protective of this woman. Don’t hurt my best friend. There is a line of men outside the boundaries of this small town waiting for you to screw up so they can take your place. And she has me; a protective daughter that just wants to make sure you know as well as I do that this woman is the best thing to ever happen to you. Don’t you ever forget it.
A daughter who loves her mother more than anything in the world