To the man I am falling for,
Maybe you already know that I’m falling for you, but maybe you don’t. Regardless, I am so, so very interested in you. I want to know you. I want to learn every last detail about you. Our daily walks to the bus stop aren’t long enough.
I want to hear all of your stories.
I want to hear about that time you went fishing when you were younger, and you caught the biggest fish you’d ever seen.
I want to know how you take your tea, so I can surprise you with a steaming hot cup at one of our homework/study sessions.
I want to know what your favorite song is, so I can sing along with you when it plays on the radio.
I want to know your hopes and dreams for your future classroom, so we can daydream together about having our own classrooms and living our dreams as elementary teachers.
I want to know your passions.
I want to know what sets your soul on fire.
I want to know the reasons why you get out of bed every day.
I want to know about the past.
I want to know about her; the woman you dated for many years before we met.
I want to know what she did to break your heart, so I can promise that I would never do that. I could never intentionally break your heart.
You are too genuine and have a kind soul that deserves all of the beauty the world can offer.
I think the biggest reason as to why I’m falling for you is because, well, I trust you. I carry so much baggage, but yet I want you to know the real me. I want you to know that I would be the happiest person in the world if you ever wanted to cook dinner together (but I must warn you that I am one of the messiest eaters on this planet). I want you to know about my obsessions with Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy, and how I have a tendency to scream the lyrics in the car. I want you to know that I am very awkward, loud, (somewhat) funny, and don’t always have my life together, but for some reason, it’s OK around you. You let me breathe, and allow me to be my true self.
I think the most terrifying part of it all is that I eventually want to open up to you. I want to be able to tell you the darkness I have been in. I want you to know that despite being so incredibly enchanted by you, I am still scared to commit my heart to another man. I want you to know that I’m terrified, but I want to take a chance with you. I want to let go of my fears, and dive headfirst into something that could be extremely beautiful.