Dear _____,
Watching you grow up has been such a blessing for me. I hear your dad constantly say how much of me he sees in you, and it makes me so happy. I am so honored to have someone so young look at me like I am the world. I just hope I don't screw up along the way.
You are the sweetest little girl I have ever met, and I am so thankful you are a part of my family because that means you're stuck with me! I love hearing your stories about school and how classes are going, and how popular you are with your classmates. It also makes me so happy when I hear from your teachers how respectful and well behaved you are. When I found out you had a wiggly tooth for the first time, I was so happy for you because I know how exciting having a wiggly tooth is- especially when you lose it at school and get a cute little tooth box!
I will never forget the days I would babysit you and your brother, and you would force me to have dance competitions with you. Your brother would always be the judge. You've always been such a beautiful dancer, and I pray you still are one today- but if not, that's okay too! I also loved having coloring contests with you and competitions to see who could do the coolest jump into the pool. Wow, looking back you were a competitive little girl. Keep it up! Competition is important for all sorts of other things, like jobs and sports. What makes me most proud of how competitive you've always been, is that you have never been a sore loser, and you're a first grader! See, you're already doing better than me!
Now here is my letter to the older you. The one I can only expect learned some things along the way.
Now that you're 18 and graduating high school, you probably have experienced so many hard things. You've probably been really upset about a boy, and maybe even have gotten your heart broken once or twice. I know that's hard, and I want you to know that I'm probably old and boring (and hopefully married; fingers crossed) now, but I know what a broken heart feels like and you are like my little sister so I want to be there for you when you need me! It sucks when a boy makes you feel like the world is over, but I can assure you that THE WORLD IS NOT OVER. That boy's life will be though after I get done with him. KIDDING!
You've also probably gotten a bad grade or tried out for something you didn't make and thought your life was over- I definitely have been there. The good news is, is that it doesn't matter anymore! You're about to go to college, and if I know you like I think I do, you've probably been accepted into every college you dreamed of and no one remembers who made what anymore (despite if you think they always will).
Now, if you're anything like me, you've probably also had your fair share of sneaking out and making bad decisions (I know you probably think I made the best choices all the time, and I won't admit it to your face, but I didn't.) Just remember, that's okay. It's okay to make mistakes- as long as you learn from them! Also, just remember to keep God in the center of your life so you are less tempted to make these mistakes in the first place! BUT if you do make a big mistake, I will be there for you. I promise I won't tell anyone you don't want me to tell either (a big sorry to my aunt and uncle!)
Now let's talk about God. If I have been the best role model like should have, I hope you have God in your life. I pray for you and your brother so often that you love God like he loves you. I know that it is really easy to feel abandoned by him sometimes, trust me; but he ultimately will be there for you when no one else is.
As you graduate today, I want you to be incredibly proud of yourself. High school is honestly so easy, but graduation is about more than getting through classes and passing tests. Graduation is about surviving. You have survived the past 18 years of your life, despite the struggles you've faced, despite the physical, emotional, and mental pain you've been through, and you are here. You have gone through so much already, graduation is the assurance you can go through the rest of your life with the same strength. No matter where you end up going, I know you will move mountains. Hopefully it's somewhere close to me so we can continue having dance competitions, (unless of course you're too cool for that now) but if it isn't near me, remember that I will always be there for you, no matter how far away I am.
So today as you walk across that stage, think about all the things that have made you unique, think about all the trials and tribulations you've overcome, and think about all the people who helped you get through your most awkward years. I pray that I was one of those people for you, but if I wasn't, I am really thankful for the people that were. Lastly, please, please, never forget how precious life is, and never forget how beautiful you are and have always been.
I love you so much,
The girl you looked up to