Dear judgemental, simple minded people from my hometown,
I am sorry that I have never met your level of perfection.
Coming from a small town, everyone settles to the norm of the people around them. Unlike you all, I have always been a little bit different.
I've never understood why everyone always seems to feel the need to talk down to the next person. People love to gossip about a situation as long as the situation has nothing to do with them. For every move I made, someone was always there to bring out the negativity in the situation. You all are always sweeping around somebody else's doorstep when I know your doorstep is not clean. Maybe it is time to buy a new broom. I know that I cannot please everybody and that I will also not be liked by everybody. However, I deserve respect just as the next person.
SEE ALSO: Forgiving Someone Who Didn't Ask For It
I hope for the sake of the future generations of our small town, you all can learn to be more accepting to change.
I hope that no one judges your children like some of you all have judged me. I hope that the people that you love and care about are welcomed and accepted for who they are.
If we put as much time into being better people or helping others like you put into judging others, the world would be a much better place.
Imperfections are what gives a diamond its value.
Pebbles are perfectly round.
I'd much rather be a diamond, one in a million, than a pebble that fits in.
The one whose every move you criticize