Congratulations on getting into the best university ever! Trust me when I say this, SBU will only surprise you. So get excited! You will effortlessly meet your soul tribe and embark on a journey only Stony Brook University students will be able to understand. Welcome to the unknown, you're in for quite the ride.
The Best and Worst Dorms on Campus
The worst dorms on campus are the ones that are the oldest because of the unpredictable mold outbreaks. The best dorms on campus are the ones that are the newest because of the advanced IT installations. For the in-between, Gershwin in Roth Quad is the ultimate low key hideout.
Stony Brook, NY
Stony Brook is the town the University is in the center of. It's your typical suburban town with a historical twist. There is a lot of history in this town starting with the heart of the American Revolution. Stony Brook is a genuine town because it honors its past, but embraces its future with its extensive research programs. There's also a beach called West Meadow Beach, which is only a few minutes away. Then, there's the Avalon Nature Preserve with an amazing hiking trail.
Best Places to Eat
There are many places to eat both on-campus and off-campus. There are at least 3 different places to get Starbucks, technically 4 if you count the hospital campus. Each quad has its own dining area with an array of options to choose from. Every quad has a path that is interconnected to one another so if you're not feeling the soup of the day at your quad, go walk over to your friends quad and try theirs! Most of all SBU is always switching up their franchises within their dining halls or on the main campus. So one semester you may have Pink Berry, the next you might have Red Mango. Personally, I'll always love the SAC dining options because they have everything so you can walk in not knowing what you're in the mood for, but guaranteed to walk out with something you never knew you'd be eating.
Best Places to Legally Drink
There used to be a place called UCafé on campus where you could legally drink, but may or may not return after renovations. On the other hand, there is a place off-campus by the train station called The Bench Bar & Grill. Pretty sure if you show your Student ID you can get a discount. Many professors decide to celebrate tournaments or competitions with their students here. The Bench has a very academic yet nightlife type of atmosphere. It's completely appropriate with high security and its a street crossing from the train station bus stop.
We are SeaWolves!
Attend every sporting event and concert! That is the one thing I regret not making enough time for. They were so much fun and full of school spirit. SBU school spirit is intoxicating all on its own. Be sure to attend at least one game and one concert it will be life-changing and the best time of your life.
SBU Climates
SBU is on Long Island, and just like any other island, the weather can fluctuate real fast. We have all four seasons here so make sure you pack accordingly for each semester. Be sure to pack a light sweater, cardigan, or hoodie in case the AC is on too high or if there's a window open. Don't forget to bring sunglasses and sunscreen for Spring Semester I'm sure you'll be lounging on the Staller Steps while cracking open a fresh book.
A Saying Only SBU Understands
We're an Ivy League School, at least according to Diplo.
Cheers Seawolves!
I wish you all best of luck for the next four years or however many years (in case you decide to go to graduate school here) because it is a lot of hard work, but it is completely worth it. Try not to fall behind because there's a reason SBU is a low key Ivy so make sure you balance everything out. Professors are here for you so don't be afraid to ask for help or to attend their office hours. Honestly, your life is only beginning and I hope you all dive in deep!