To the guy who decided it was a good idea to cheat on me:
I have been in a number of relationships with many different guys. Some really nice guys, some really not nice guys, and you. I am sure you probably are reading this thinking to yourself and telling all your friends, "Man, I don't understand what the big deal is." Honestly, it isn't a big deal anymore. I just want you to be aware of the impact you have had on my life and who I am today. So, on that note, let's begin.
You hurt me.
Anybody who claims that cheating does not bother them is probably lying to themselves. It is an act of complete betrayal. I trusted you to be loyal to me and you lied. I won't do you the pleasure of walking around like a zombie, with tear-streaked cheeks and puffy eyes. Oh no. I will hold my head high and tell myself that I deserve more than you. I am not afraid to let you know that you hurt me and I am sure I won't be the last girl that you cheat on.
You made yourself look dumb.
You probably thought that you would never get caught. Which, if I wouldn't have gotten suspicious or have been told by somebody else, you would not have. I love and trust with my whole heart. I don't want to think that somebody that I shared my life with for any amount of time would go and abuse my trust. Unfortunately, the world is not a perfect place and people are not always good. So, you lost me. You cheated on me and took yourself away from a girl who would have loved you to the ends of the earth. You walked away from this looking dumb.
I do not blame the girl.
You probably went in thinking that I would not take my anger out on you. I would focus all of my negative emotions on the girl you decided to cheat on me with. I hate to tell you this, but I solely blame you. You made the decision to cheat. She did not force you to text her back or meet up with her after you left my house. You made those decisions by yourself. So, if you're using the girl as an excuse to justify your actions, just know I am not falling for it.
I will not fall for it again.
Through this whole ordeal, I have learned so much. I now know that I do not have to settle for somebody who cannot cherish me enough to stay loyal in a relationship. There are warning signs that I should have seen in you before I let myself get hurt. You started hiding your phone screen from me. You stopped talking to me about your day and would allow your wording to become short. You stopped smiling at me whenever you saw me. Your "I love yous" would become more spaced apart and would start losing meaning. It was kind of obvious that you were losing interest, but honestly, it would have been easier if you would have just left.
So, in conclusion, my confidence will no longer allow me to dwell on your infidelity. Thank you, honestly. You taught me that I am worth so much more than what how you treated me. I hope it all was worth it.