To the grandparents I never got to meet,
I think about you more than you realize. Not necessarily in my day to day activities, but at random times when I find myself lost in my own thoughts. Sometimes at holidays with everyone else, I wonder what things would be like if you were here to celebrate with us. Would you like my mom’s cooking? Would you help in the kitchen with the rest of us? Or would you be sitting on the couch with dad and my uncle’s trying to avoid any aspect of helping?
Sometimes I get angry that something happened to you. Why didn’t I get the chance to know you when so many other people in our family did? What would it have been like if you were apart of my everyday life? I am constantly jealous of my friends who were fortunate enough to grow up with all of their grandparents. I lost you all before I was even born.
I guess what I want you to know, is that your son/daughter raised me beautifully. They taught me lessons that they chose to ignore when you taught them. They shared your recipes, your memories, and your morals. I guess in a way I did know you, just because a part of you is with me every single day within those that I love. Sometimes I ask myself, how do I miss someone I never even knew? The only answer to that question is that I see how my mother misses her dad on Christmas, and how my dad shows so much pride and happiness when he brings us to his old home where his parents once raised him. I miss you because they miss you. I wish you were. I wish you were able to see my sister and I grow up and be apart of our lives the way our Nana has been so fortunate to see.
Thank you for giving me two amazing parents. If it wasn’t for all of you, who knows how I would have turned out. I would like to think that there is a part of all of you in me, and I am lucky to hear that all the time. My parents find comfort in seeing resemblance between myself and all of you. So thank you for making me.
One day we will all be reunited again and we can finally meet. Until then, be with me and watch over me like I know you do so closely to my family. Thank you for inviting me into your families.
With love,
Your Granddaughter