Hello Pretty Lady,
I know confidence is tough in this new age. There are constant images everywhere telling you that you aren't pretty enough, skinny enough, or good enough. You're either called skinny or anorexic. Fat or ugly. You're either too pretty, pretty, or 'not bad.' Too short or too tall. The list goes on and on, and unfortunately people try so hard to take women like us down.
We are constantly told to improve ourselves. Women are taught to make constant changes to our bodies, change our eating habits, or go to extremes just to feel pretty, but trust me I like pizza as much as you.
Today's society allows us to alter our appearance, which can be by any sort of means. Women today are encouraged to put pounds of makeup on, edit a photo, or resort to extremes like surgery just to get that 'perfect' appearance.
It's the voices of others telling you that you're not good enough, but I'm here to tell you that they're wrong. All of them. The media, peers, exes, family, people on social media. Wherever and whoever it is is wrong. Don't listen to what they're saying about you because people make fun of others to make themselves feel better about themselves, but because of this common judgement in today's society shaming others has become a norm.
Judging people isn't a reflection of you, but of their character. It shows that this person hasn't learned to love themselves and be comfortable in their body as much as you are. And trust me, jealousy is an ugly trait that always brings the worst out in people.
Remember pretty girl "People are only mean when they're threatened" - Tuesdays with Morrie
So to all the girls who have been called ugly, I want you to know I think you're beautiful.
To the girls who have been called fat, I want you to know I think you're perfect just the way you are.
To the girls who have been called too skinny. I want you to know that they're probably jealous.
To the girls who have been judged for her muscles, or called manly, I admire you're dedication.
To the girls who have been called a slut, do not let them win, and certainly do not let them see you cry because they are wrong.
To the girls who have been called a loser, weird, or a freak, you don't see it yet, but you're gonna turn out to be cooler than they are.
You aren't defined by someone's false labeling. You're not flawed because you have insecurities. The next time you're sitting in front of your mirror and you point out something you don't like, take a second to reevaluate that statement. Are you really insecure, or is someone making you feel that way?
Everyone is unique, and everyone has their own definition of beautiful. And for all of those people who don't see that, it's their flaw, not yours.