We live in a time where we are bombarded by flawless front cover photoshoots and impossible standards set by society. I’m guilty of obsessing over these celebrities and comparing myself to them nonstop. Even worse though, I am guilty of comparing myself to every day people. This is worse because in my head I think, “She is a real person who doesn’t even need Photoshop to look beautiful. Why can’t I be like that?” Instagram creeping is the worst habit I can do because it just leads to countless comparisons and unnecessary bad thoughts about myself.
A few months ago though I came across this quote: “Admire someone else’s beauty without questioning your own.”
I can honestly say I had never thought of that view. Just because someone is attractive, does not mean for one second that you yourself aren’t. Every single person on this earth is beautiful in his or her own way. Everyone has different characteristics that make them unique, as well as individual personalities that add to their level of beauty. We all come together and bring diversity amongst ourselves and we should appreciate the characteristics that make us who we are.
Girls especially are prone to comparing their bodies to others, their personalities, their popularity levels, etc. Not everyone is going to have the same strengths or features that define “beauty.” It’s not healthy to constantly be concerned about what we look like standing next to others or to try and alter our behaviors based on the ones we admire. I remember even in elementary school comparing myself to other girls- when we sat down, I would notice whose thighs got bigger. If mine were, I would feel self-conscious and try to somehow change my sitting position. What makes it worse is that I was a small elementary school kid, underweight even, and even at 50 pounds I was still unsatisfied with not being as skinny as the smaller girl.
I do not mean to say that I was unhappy and depressed in my younger years because I was not at all and I have loved my life. But, I just find it interesting that even back then I was concerned with my image and how I looked next to the other girls and I am almost positive that I am not the only one. This is not because my parents never told me I was beautiful because they have always been my biggest supporters. I think it was just because I was a girl growing up in a world of “perfection” it was hard to believe that I myself was something special, being myself.
I believe so strongly that everyone delivers something specifically magical to the world and they do it just being who they are. Referring back to the quote, we need to learn to appreciate the diversity that each individual obtains. There is no reason to get upset about how much longer her hair is than yours or how blue her eyes are or how much muscle she has. Those are great things, but what about your bouncy and vivacious curls? Or your ability to light up a room with your gorgeous smile? Or what about your incredible humor? Whatever the characteristic or physical feature that you are jealous of in someone else, do not be unhealthily envious. Realize that everyone is blessed in specific ways, including yourself.
The #AerieReal campaign is one of the favorite pitches. “The real you is sexy.” What better way to promote self-confidence than for a lingerie company explaining to girls that who they are and what they look like is perfect already? There is no reason to question your own beauty at any time. I am still guilty of comparing and feeling down about myself sometimes, but I am getting better at accepting myself for who I am and learning to love myself. You need to love yourself, too. You are an incredible person that people are lucky to know. Keep your head up and do not think for a second that you are not beautiful. Be real. Be yourself. Be-you-tiful.