Though this might not be the easiest subject to talk about for a lot of people, I do believe it's one of the more important ones. The first year of dating is usually the greatest, especially the first year with your first love. It's new and exciting and it's all you ever think and talk about. You get butterflies in your stomach by just hearing their name. It’s an indescribable, exhillerating feeling. You’re new to this, you’ve never had a broken heart before and you think there’s absolutely no way this person could ever bring you down. But, sometimes these feelings don’t last forever. The point of this letter is to let you know- it’s okay to let him go. It’s okay to do things for yourself. It’s okay (and normal) to feel those crazy exciting feelings start to fade.
Your first love doesn’t always mean it’s your last one. The love you share with some people might not last forever and that. is. okay. People come in and out of our lives for reasons whether it be to help us get a through tough adversity or to help bring us even higher even though we think life can’t get any better. Even if it hurts right now, I promise better things are coming. Sometimes you have to let go of the old things in your life to bring in the new. There is a plan for each and every one of us and that itself is so exciting. You have to remember that this is your life and you need to do what you can to make youhappy. Don’t ever feel bad about making a decision that will most likely better yourself.
You need room to live and grow and if someone is bringing you down- let them go. It’s okay to miss them, it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be alone for awhile. When one relationship ends, this means there’s someone even better than anyone you could have ever dreamed of somewhere out there. One who will fall in love with the color of your eyes, your soft hair, or even that bright smile. One who will love your fresh, clean, make up-free face or that naturally curly hair you always try to hide. One who will understand your flaws or your rocky past and still wants to make you the happiest you’ve ever been. There will be someone who will understand. They’ll know you might not be able to trust someone as easily as you should or that you might be a little sensitive at first but they’re going to be the ones who will help you through that. But, trying to find another love to replace your first right off the bat isn’t always the best thing to do. Instead, try and find a better you. Find new hobbies that you enjoy- painting, hiking, running, dancing, singing, anything.
Take time and do things for yourself. Make yourself the best version of you possible. Confidence is key. You are an incredible human being who can do anything you set your mind to. Grow in your faith, volunteer, run a half marathon, travel, get out and experience new cultures & cities. And most importantly, hang out with your friends. Let me tell you, nobody will help you get over someone like your friends. Sure there isn’t a “cure” for a broken heart, but the constant laughter, love and support they give will do just the trick. So for those of you who are in those exciting new relationships- make the best of it. They’ll turn into some of your favorite memories and you’ll grow more than you ever thought possible. And for those who are aren’t in that relationship anymore- it will be okay. Focus on making yourself happy and growing into the best person possible. Get out and experience new things and who knows- you might just find “the one” on the way.