The way society preaches, you need to be married in your early twenties, a college degree under your belt, completely financially stable with your career intact, stick thin, happy, independent and ready to take on the world, and maybe have a kid or two in the next couple of years. Can I just say how ridiculous this is? And yet, I still feel the pressure of this lifestyle every single day--or rather the inferiority because I am nowhere near it. Why is that?
When did this shift change and how do we stop it? High school me really thought I would be doing more with my life when I graduated from college. Post-college me still doesn't know what the heck she is doing and has no hope of changing that anytime soon.
I'm at the point where I consider my day "successful" if I got through it without any tears or mental breakdowns. This is real life.
So I say to you, it is okay. Breathe. Take life one day at a time, and trust that the Creator of the universe knows exactly what His plans are for your life and that they are so much greater than you could ever try or hope for.
He has the man whose soul is the perfect match for yours and is waiting until it is the right time --His time-- to make your paths cross.
His plans for your finances and your career will pan out the way He wants them to in due time.
Let go. Let go of this perception that you have to have everything figured out in your early twenties. Let go of trying to control everything in your life. Let go of seeking out someone to spend your life with. Let go and I promise that God will come in and fight these battles for you.