"There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go."
If you're dating someone who your family and friends are constantly telling you to break up with, there is a reason. If he doesn't show you the respect you deserve and the appreciation for the many things you do for him, then maybe it's time for you to let go and move on. Don't be afraid to leave a bad relationship because of the fear that there may not be another one after it. I don't believe for one second that you were put on this earth to be mistreated and half-loved. A guy who does not look at you like you are the greatest gift he has ever seen is not your prince charming.
Do not let the fear of being lonely keep you in a relationship that is causing you stress and tearing you up emotionally. It's going to be hard after the breakup, being single after being in a relationship is not easy, but it's worth it. You find yourself outside of a relationship, and you define who you are as a person. Being alone is not that bad, sure it's different, but it doesn't have to be depressing like everyone makes it seem. Enjoy the independence and embrace the title of being single! It's a lot better than being stuck in a relationship that has lost its love.
Honestly, you may be staying in the relationship because you can see his potential and what a great guy he can be, but that's just it. He isn't that guy right now and he may never be that guy. Don't let your hope for a better future with him blind you to the fact that he just is not the guy for you. Your 'Mr. Right' could be right in front of you one day, but would you even notice him if you're stuck with a guy who barely even notices you? You have so much love to offer to someone; why not offer it to someone who wants to give you back the same amount of love? You deserve someone who will look at you without makeup on, messy hair and after a bad day, and still smile because he thinks you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
A guy who truly loves you is going to cherish you. He won't do anything that will cause the relationship to possibly fall apart in fear of losing you. Yes, people make mistakes, and if he does, he will do anything and everything to make it up to you. But if the guy you are with makes a mistake and says he's going to change or fix things but never does, doesn't that tell you something? He doesn't care about the relationship. And if he keeps making the same mistake, maybe he isn't afraid of losing you. Maybe he knows you won't ever leave him and so he takes advantage of that. Don't ever let a guy take advantage of your love for him. That is not love.
You are worth so much more than what he gives you, and if you would let go and create space for someone new to enter your life, you will see that. There is a guy who is waiting for a girl just like you; someone he can spoil and treat like a princess. That's what he should do. He should continue to earn you every day, not become complacent and comfortable. He should show you why he loves you every day. I promise you that there is a guy out there wanting to do just that.
Do not settle for less than what you deserve, because you deserve the best. You know what they say, "One door closes and another one opens," But that other door can't open until you've closed the first one. So close the door on that relationship and let that guy go. He doesn't deserve the love you are offering if he doesn't appreciate it. No matter how pretty his words may be, actions will always speak louder.
And if you don't want to listen to me, at least listen to the advice from a movie we all know and love, "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing in the game."