When we think of girls, we think of the girls who are pretty. We think of makeup and perfume. We think of skirts and cute tops. It's the girls with the nice handbags and cute boots. Every girl wants to be seen as this girl. The truth is not all girls are this way. Yes some girls are this way, but there are also girls who are in the background. These girls wear sweatpants and t-shirts. They are lucky to get makeup on to cover up some zits they may have here or there. They don't always carry a purse.
When we think of girls, we think of the girls who spend a lot of time shopping and getting their hair done. We think of girls who get manis and pedis every two or three weeks. We think of girls that have perfect complexions because they wear face masks every night. We think of the girl with the perfect body because they are always watching what they eat. We think of girls who are talking about their boyfriends and how perfect they are for them. Then there's the other girls. These girls hardly spend any time shopping or doing their hair. usually it's up and out of the way. These girls don't wear face masks because who wants all of that gunk on their face. These girls don't get manis or pedis because no one ever sees or pays attention to that anyways. These girls have nice bodies but its because they get up and workout several times a week. These girls definitely don't talk about their boyfriends and how perfect they are. They talk about sports and hunting and outdoorsy things.
I'm one of those girls. You'll find me hanging out with my guy friends before girls. I am not prim and proper. I don't always wear makeup nor do I worry about my hair. I'm still a girl. And I'm perfectly happy with who I am. I'd rather be on a basketball court or at a football game than a nail salon. I'm the girl who will talk your head off about sports. You'd be amazed at some of the things I know. I'm the girl that can hold a conversation about a basketball game that was on last night or can talk about Saturday night football games.
There is nothing wrong with being this girl. This article is meant to show you you are not alone. There are others like you. One day you'll find someone who will love you for who you are. So don't change yourself for anyone. Be happy with who you are. Life is not about winning or losing, it's about being proud and happy with who you are. If you aren't happy, how can you expect someone else to be happy with you. Don't sell yourself short. Never second guess who you are. And always remember, be yourself.
I know it's easier said than done. I used to get (and occasionally still do) get teased about some of the things I talk about. I get asked all the time how I know what I do. I live in a society where girls are viewed as prim, proper, and pretty. Society wants to view us in a certain way and if you don't look or act that way then you are not normal.
That's not the case. You are beautiful! You are unique! Don't be afraid to be you and show who you really are! So who care what society says or how society wants you to look or seem! If you are happy with yourself, you don't need anyone else's opinion. You are beautiful from the inside out and one day you'll find someone who thinks you are just as beautiful!
So don't worry about getting your nails done or doing your hair. Be you! Be unique! Be beautiful! Believe in yourself and have confidence! Those things will take you farther in life than any $25 manicure.