This is a very hard letter to write considering the fact that I personally used to struggle with self-worth and often still do. With this letter, I intend to speak not only to myself, but to all the girls out there struggling with self-worth. Self-worth is a synonym for self-esteem, which is a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.
I could sit here and write, "You're worth it," over and over again, but that wouldn't solve anything. Self-worth doesn't come from others telling you how important you are, it comes from personal realization of your worth. Here are seven things you need to remember when struggling with self-worth.
You are unique.
No two people are the same and you're no different. You are unique and you make this world the diverse place it is. Without you, the world would be an incomplete puzzle, lacking the uniqueness you bring to it.
You are not anybody but yourself.
"You are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is Youer than You." -- Dr. Seuss
Nobody else does you better than you, so don't compare yourself to others because it is unrealistic and you're setting yourself up to lower your self-worth.
You are loved.
The important people in life could care less if you were an all A student or a size 0. All they care about is that you are happy. No matter what you do or what you look like there will always be people who love you. And sadly, there will always be people who don't, but those people aren't worth your time.
You are not your flaws.
You aren't the dumb because you don't understand a subject, you're human. You will be known for your strengths not your weaknesses.
You are important.
You are important, so treat yourself like you are! Stop people pleasing and take the time to please yourself. If you're happy, others will be happy.
You are not expected to be perfect.
"Nobodies perfect." -- Hannah Montana
There is no such thing as perfect. Quit trying to reach unattainable standards of perfect as portrayed by others.
You are worth it.
I know, I know. I said I wouldn't say you are worth it, but it is true and sometimes you just need to hear it.
Personal realization of your worth is difficult, trust me I know, but it is possible and you can do it. The hardest part is continuing to remember your self-worth. It's a continuos battle, but there are more girls fighting this battle than you'd think, so don't be embarrassed or discouraged. You are worth it and you can overcome anything you put your mind to.
Lastly, to the girls struggling with self-worth, I'm rooting for us!
A girl who's been in your shoes