Dear me,
You haven't been yourself lately. You usually have that go getter, shoot for the stars mentality. But lately, you have been lost. You have been comparing yourself to other people and their happiness. You have been doubting your abilities and even regressing from society. My question to you is, why?
Everyone has their set backs. You should know, you have had your fair share, but you've never had let that define you before. So, why are you starting to do that now? Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. Not now, not ever. You are powerful beyond measure. You have the power to decide how your life goes. No one else. You have the power to decide how rich you will be in the future. You have the power to get the body you want. You have the power to get good grades. You hold the power. You also hold the power to sit and sulk. You have the power to not amount to anything. But why would you want to do that? Seems pretty silly, huh?
Another piece of advice. Stop caring so much what people think of you. You are your own kind of beautiful. Besides, it doesn't matter if you wear name brand clothes. It doesn't matter if you look good every moment of the day. As long as you like you, you're doing pretty good. After all, you have to spend every minute of everyday with you.
You see, you have forgotten to appreciate the little things in life. Never take for granted your able body. Don't forget to appreciate your freedoms. Remember that you have air in your lungs. Put your hand on your heart. Feel that? It is called a purpose. As cliché as it is, you need to stop and smell the roses. Life is too short to waste it away not being happy. You deserve every ounce of happiness that you can muster up!
So, it is time to put on your big girl pants, lace up your boots, and go to work. Keep working and don't stop until you have achieved your goals. You know you are more than capable of doing anything you set your mind to. So go out there and get it girl. It is time.
You are special. Just breathe. You've got this.
Your old self