College is an opportunity to recreate yourself, to be true to yourself and to fully embrace who you are. With that opportunity comes change. Robin Sharma once said, "Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end." It hasn't been easy seeing our friendship fall apart, but what we both need to focus on is the beauty that is yet to come.
Please understand that the ending of our friendship hurt me just as much as it hurt you. Please understand I appreciate everything you did for me and everything that you taught me. Please understand that the ending of our friendship is the best thing for both of us. Please understand that even though we are no longer friends I still love you and am here for you whenever you need me.
Just because our friendship didn't survive freshman year doesn't mean that our friendship wasn't real, strong or important. In the words of Jomari Consuelo we need to "understand that people change and sometimes they're no longer compatible with our lives. We just have to accept it and move on." Our friendship didn't survive freshman year of college because we were no longer compatible with each others' lives. Rather than fighting because we no longer see eye to eye or trying to relate to each other when our common ground no longer exists, accepting the friendship is over and moving on is the best thing that we can do.
My best friend once said, "When I got to college I just realized that I didn't need to waste my time on friendships that do not positively affect me or friendships that bring me down." With how busy college is there isn't much time to be wasted. Our time in college should be spent embracing our new selves and enjoying every opportunity we have at our feet in college.
One of my sisters in my sorority, Sigma Sigma sigma, said, "You need to worry about yourself and live for yourself." Many of us are guilty of being people-pleasers and forgetting about their happiness. I know I am. But the time has definitely come for us all to focus on ourselves and our happiness. While it is sad that we are no longer apart of each others' happiness, the important thing is that we are all happy.
Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you can't achieve your goal. But the day that our friendship became a goal we were trying to reach it just wasn't fun anymore. And that's what friendships all about.
So here's to the friendships that didn't survive freshman year! Thank you for being a friend. You came into my life and changed it for better and worse, but what I'll always remember is the good times rather than the bad and I hope you do the same.