An Open Letter To The Friends Who Became Family
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An Open Letter To The Friends Who Became Family

A Thank You That Is Well Deserved

An Open Letter To The Friends Who Became Family
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Dear Squad,

I don't even know how to begin this letter, as I simply could write an entire novel about each and every one of you. However, as first semester of college is now complete, I feel that this is long overdue. Let me start off by saying thank you for being you. We are truly a unique bunch, and if it wasn't for all of you embracing your own individuality, I don't think we would be anywhere near as close as we were growing up, or as we are now. Even now when we are all living in different cities, we still talk every single day, and I think that firmly attests to the unbreakable bond in which we have created.

I remember it like it was yesterday; It was the middle of our junior year in high school when I first started hanging out with you guys on a consistent basis. My life was going through a lot of changes at the time, and the company that I kept close was also changing. I always had lots of friends, but never had a stable group that I could truly call my own. But one day, Kyle (who I was already pretty close with at the time.) asked if I wanted to hang out with all of you, and I said yes. I have to admit, I was pretty taken aback at first, because I was struck by many things. One, your incredibly out there conversations. I don't remember what the subject matter was, but I do remember it was something that I never in a million years would have thought about. 2nd, I was immediately blown away by how much chemistry you all had with one another. I knew that you all go back to elementary school, and it clearly showed. I felt uneasy about this at first because I didn't want to break the mold that you all have spent years creating. However, you guys took me in right away and I cannot thank you enough for that. Third, I knew immediately that I could be myself around you guys, and that was liberating to say the least. I felt at home from the very beginning.

Ever since then, It has been a wild ride, full of the good, the bad, and the ugly. As I know we all can recall, there have been many episodes of tension over these last few years, but somehow we have always been able to pull through, and end up better off because of it. The road has not always been easy, but all of these challenges have made us into what we are to this day; A family. Not every set of friends could overcome all of the conflict we've endured and repeatedly come out whole again on the other side, and I view that as one of many, many things that makes us unique. As we continue wandering down life's road, I have no doubt that we will remain close for years to come, no matter what happens.

In high school, we were simply the kids who didn't fit in with any particular group; We were our own unique brand. We never gave into trends, and never lived our lives in the same way that everybody around us did. We're all different from each other. Different races, different walks of life, holding different point of views about the world. Yet, I feel as though it is our differences that have brought all of us closer together. I feel as though all of our differences assimilate perfectly into our puzzle of diversity. To me, this has been the best part of growing closer with you guys as the years have rolled on. I know this is a given, but always remember to hold on to the core principles of your own individuality, for it will lead you straight to the people who in turn will make you the best person you can be. I know it sounds painfully cliche, but I honestly believe it to be 100% true.

Finally, I feel as though as it is only appropriate to reflect on the memories that have been created over the years. All of our wild philosophical conversations that have often turned into hostile disagreements, backyard bonfires that lasted all hours of the night, our late night walks, and all of those hours spent at the park at the old elementary school. Also, who can forget all of those late night Jewel runs, after school trips to Aldi, and that one time we played a soccer match with towels that were lit on fire? Or what about all of the laughs shared over pitifully terrible rap songs? And maybe most important of all, the insides jokes that have basically become the foundation of our day to day lives. There are so many more memories I could name that honestly, I could go on forever. But to me, our best nights have been spent simply sitting around in someone's basement playing video games or watching Netflix, simply indulging in each others' company. As I have reflected more and more on our years together, I have garnered an increased admiration towards the simpler times, as these are the memories that I appreciate most. Now that we only see each other when we're all back from school, I have become immensely more appreciative of the time that we do have with one another. It is inevitable that our paths will not always travel in solidarity, but the family bond that we have established will stand the test of eternity.

Family, here is to the celebration of years' passed, and to the blank page full of memories that are to be created in years coming. While we no longer have the time that we used to, that simply reminds us to make the most of every minute that we will have together. I could not have asked for a better group of friends to have came up with, and I am forever grateful that our paths have intertwined. It has always been an adventure for us, and I cannot wait for what's in store for all of us in the future. Thank you for taking me in, and letting me be a part of the family. I am forever indebted to each and every one of you for that. Remember that however far we may one day find ourselves from one another, we will always be right there for each other, just as we have always been. Thank you for everything, and I cannot wait to see all of you soon.


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