To My Ex Best Friends,
Why? Just why? Why did you change? After eight years of friendship, I never imagined there were sides to you that were anything less-than-nice, but I guess everyone's true colors have to come to light eventually.
I was always there for both of you. My boyfriend and I moved you and all your belongings into our apartment only to come home one night six months later to your bedroom being completely empty without any warning or explanation. Most people would've expected me to be distraught, but I was more relieved than anything. I was relieved that I no longer had to ask a grown adult to clean up their own mess, I was relieved that I no longer had to assist you in every responsible, adult task, and most importantly, I was relieved that I could now put all the time and energy I spent focused on you into bettering myself. I began to sleep better and I didn't feel any void in my life after you walked out of it, but I do often wonder how we ended up here.
We were childhood best friends, the three "Powerpuff Girls", we were supposed to be those crazy best friends causing chaos in the nursing home. We had planned on being each other's bridesmaids and the first one of us is getting married this year. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid, but now I won't even be in attendance at the wedding, which is a blessing in itself.
Friendship is about being supportive of each other and putting in equal work so that the friendship can blossom, just like you would water a growing flower. As soon as one member of the friendship starts putting in the majority of the effort, such as with our case, the friendship becomes one-sided and evidently fails in the end.
Life was much simpler when we were little girls, we had it so easy back then, but now that we are adults we live stressful lives and are heading in different directions. One of you chose to rely on me instead of trying to better yourself and the other one is still going in circles trying to move forward in life, but ultimately going nowhere. In the meantime, I'm on track to start nursing school to eventually graduate with my BSN and accomplish my goal of being an RN. I don't say this as a way to make myself sound better, I say it because I've come to realize that I'm the only one moving forward in life and I was the only one adding water to the flower called our friendship. Now that the flower is dead, I can put my all into continuing to move forward and I only have one thing to say to you:
Thank you.
Thank you for walking out on me after eight years of friendship, thank you for showing me who my true friends are, thank you for helping me realize that I don't need people like that in my life, thank you for allowing me to focus on me now, thank you for giving me the chance to take the high road when you clearly chose the opposite, thank you for doubting me and giving me the opportunity to prove you wrong, and finally, thank you for releasing me from the prison called our "friendship".
Finally, good luck.
Good luck in your friendship together, in your future friendships, in your marriage, in your future jobs, in your future encounters, in whatever you choose to do with your life. I hope you took something away from this experience just like I did, I hope that you never take advantage of someone the way you took advantage of me, I hope you will one day move out of your parent's house and finish school or get a better job if that's what you choose to do. I hope you realize that once one door closes, it doesn't get re-opened and there are consequences to your actions. I don't wish anything bad on you, I'm going to continue to live my life and love every minute of it and I hope you will eventually be able to do the same.
Have a nice life, my former Blossom and Buttercup.