Dear Friend,
Going away to college has brought new friends and new experiences for us, but I could never forget our friendship. We had something special. Although we tried to keep a firm hold on our friendship as we went away to different schools, I am afraid that we failed.
We matured, we changed, and while it's not necessarily a bad thing, I hate that these changes slowly tore us apart. Freshman year was constantly filled with texts reading "omg I miss you so much" or "nobody gets me like you do". Now we exchange “happy birthday” texts and that's it. We went from being the first person we saw on break to not even knowing when the other is home, and if I do know it's because I found out on your social media pages.
We like each other's Instagram posts, we view each other’s stories, we see each other's tweets, but we're missing out on the actual communication. Social media has a strange way of making us feel like we still know each other, when in reality we barely do anymore.
We tried. But I'll be honest, I gave up. It was hard being the one to always reached out and checked up on you. We formed so many great memories, and there so many things that remind me of you. Every time I see them I instantly want to text you and tell you how much I miss you. After many not as enthusiastic responses, I stopped. I often wonder if you look see these things too and what you think.
You can say you're busy or that you have so much going on. But honestly, we make time for those we care about. So how important was our friendship to you? It's not that difficult to shoot a text and say, “hey I hope you're doing well.” If anyone understands being busy it's me. I play a Division 1 sport on top of academics, internships, and graduate school applications. But I still have managed to maintain friendships.
I know you've made new friends and made new memories and I'm not saying you shouldn't have at all. I did too. But for me, these friends will never know my past or what I've been through as well as you. I never forget where I came from and who was there for me during some tough times. There is just something about coming home and seeing childhood friends again. These times together offer familiarity, stability, love and support. No matter what happens or what mistakes I've made at school, I can come home and know I am loved just the same.
You can say I'm living in the past of high school, but I'm not. Leaving high school made me realize a lot of things. Your social life, your status, and your popularity are not important once you exit those high school doors. The things that matter are the genuine friendships you built there, the person you have become, and the person you will be for the rest of your life. Maybe I don't fit in with the person you've become, and it's okay.
It's okay that it's like this. That's just the way life is sometimes. We grow up and we move on. But amidst all of that, I know that our friendship helped shaped who I am one way or another and for that I am forever grateful for the times we've had.
At the end of the day, I want you to know I am still always here for you. I've been waiting for the day you reach out first. All you have to do is pick up the phone.
Your best friend