Dreamer, believer, wanderer, fighter; these are all words that describe you. You are intricate, complicated, and beautiful. You have been broken, more than once. Every tear you’ve shed has filled a cup so full that one day it will overflow with the most deserving Joy that one could hope for.
You feel it all; the pain and the happiness and you welcome each feeling with open arms. You would rather feel it all than nothing.
You’re faith could move mountains, boldly working towards the faithful believer God has designed you to be, a leader that might change the world. Even if you only touch one other soul in your lifetime.
You are a fighter, don’t take that lightly. In a world where it is easier to walk away, you choose the road less travelled and it is that way for a reason.
“And though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for though art with me”
You are not alone in your fight, you have the ultimate victor leading you in a way that no other could.
When you are broken down, beaten, losing every battle that you thought you would surely come out of unmarked stand up and keep fighting.
The question of whether or not to surrender may cross your mind occasionally. Is this fight worth it? Is this pain going to become joy? Can I pull myself together long enough to fight another day, because I am so tired.
Stand up.
Nothing that is worth something will come easy.
You are a treasure, not everyone can say they fought with everything in them, they gave it everything they had. You left it all on the table, be proud.
You are not stupid nor are you naive. When going to battle you are fully aware of every “I told you so” that might come your way, on that day you remember that the battle is your own and no one else’s. When you feel the need to explain yourself, don’t, your reasons are your own.
So on the day you question why you would rather fight, remember what you’re fighting for. Remember that it is worth it, that your fighting soul is one that requires a strength that is more than admired.
You’re fighting soul is perfectly imperfect, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.