Hey you.
If you're reading this, you're almost at the edge. You're not too far from the point of breaking. Life is hard. Every time you think everything is going well, life pushes you to the ground. When you try to get up, something else shoves you back down. At this point, you want to give up. You want to surrender and just never try to get up. It would be so much easier, wouldn't it?
It would be easier, but we need you. Sometimes, the easier choice is not the best choice. It's not the most worthwhile.
You are such an important piece in life's puzzle. Without you, we wouldn't have a complete picture. What you're going through is so hard, but you can do it. You can do anything.
You'll have scrapes and bruises, but you'll come out a champion on the other end. You will be sore and shaking, but that's what happens before you become stronger.
You have so many people that love you and want you to succeed. Even if you don't think so, you have a group of supporters, no matter how big or small. All you need is one. And you at least have me. You don't know me, but as a fellow human competing in this crazy obstacle course called life, I have your back. I am your cheerleader, because I know you are such an important part of this world.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You don't have to believe in God to hear this and believe it. You have such a wonderful purpose on this earth, and somebody needs you to be here. You might think that you're irrelevant, but yesterday when you only smiled for five minutes, someone saw you and was instantly cheered up, even if that was the only happy period of your day.
Believe me. Please. I wouldn't lie to you.
Every day, I challenge you to think about five positive things that happened that day. They could be "insignificant" things like you saw someone open the door for someone else, or the cutest little puppy wagged its tail at you. Everyone has something positive happen everyday, and every cloud has a silver lining.