Dear Doctor,
There are no words that I can use to show the amount of gratitude that I have for what you did for me, you truly changed my life. When I met you I had not hit the lowest point yet but I was for sure on the way and you knew that. But you are the one that intervened to stop this downward spiral that I was on. In the back of my head every day are the words that you spoke to me at our first ever appointment, “I could send you to the hospital right now and no insurance company would fight me.” These are the words that made me get my act together, they spoke to a deep part of my soul that had been oppressed for months.
This letter is coming after the Thanksgiving holiday because I got asked one question by everyone, “What are you thankful for?” It took me a while to truly answer this question because as you know I have many things to be thankful for in life. But I am now able to answer this question with confidence, I am thankful for you and what you have done for me. Yes, you gave me treatments, medications, meal plans, and therapy; but what you truly gave me is hope. Every week no matter how good or bad of a week it was you always had a giant smile on your face when you walked in the room. Sure putting that smile on your face must have seemed like a no brainier to you, but it uplifted me every single day.
Some people would say that you are “just doing your job,” but you do way more than just your job. Yes, you gave me treatments, medications, meal plans, and therapy; but what you truly gave me is hope. It is that hope that turns into a catalyst for change to take place. The hope that you have instilled in me is what I carry with me every day of my life. This hope that you gave me is a big deal because I did not have any hope before I stepped into your office. At first, I did not open my mind up to this hope, but once I did my life changed for the better. You gave me the tools that I needed to get my life back on track. Without coming to see you there was a chance that I would not be here today and writing this article. There was a chance that I could not have done everything I have accomplished in the past two years since I became healthy.
There is nothing more I can think of to say to you and all those that work with you than thank you. For all the hours and work that you all put in for me and the rest of the patients that you take care of. You have impacted my life in more ways than you could ever imagine and I know you will do that for so many more children out there.