To the Commission on Presidential Debates:
I think that we could both agree that democracy is one of the few values that us Americans hold near and dear to our hearts… but you just spat on it.
One of the essential principles of a functioning Democracy is the free, unrestricted flow of ideas. That’s why our freedom of speech is one of the most important clauses in the Constitution; it allows for the exchange of ideas. Whether you agree or disagree with the ideas being discussed, the same flow of ideas is essential to a functioning democracy.
By letting third-party candidates in the debate, you would be allowing the flow and discussion of ideas on a very important level. Americans deserve to hear different ideas this election year, just as they do every election year. However, partisan politics are more important to you than doing what is right for the entire country.
The Constitution does not say that the First Amendment and expression of ideas on a national level only applies to those polling over 15%. In the wise words of one of our founding fathers & presidents Thomas Jefferson: “...the minority possesses their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.” Thomas Jefferson has given the perfect name to what you are doing, which is oppressing ideas.
The only requirement that I disagree with is the 15% polling requirement. The notion that a candidate should be polling at 15% in usually unreliable polls is an overall unfair idea. Having said this, I agree with the requirement that states that a candidate should be constitutionally eligible and that they should be on the ballot in enough states to feasibly win the presidency. Both Gov. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein meet this requirement. Furthermore, Gary Johnson is the only other candidate besides Trump or Clinton that will be on the ballot in all 50 states as well as Washington D.C.
It’s not too late. You have two options to help Democracy, and the help the frustrated electorate:
1. You can step out of the way, and let a truly non-partisan group take over.
2. You can let take out the 15% requirement, and let third-party candidates on the stage. Put partisan politics aside (we already get enough in Congress) and aide our democratic process. It’s not too late, either. There is still one more debate, and you could let Gary and Jill debate.
Please CPD, do America a favor and #LetGaryDebate. Thank you.