College is a time of change. One becomes more independent, both in having to learn to do laundry on your own (I see you, freshman self), to realizing how to think freely and take control of your education and future. This isn't always easy - in fact, this can be the hardest thing for young students during the transition to higher education. Whether it's as big a decision as choosing what career path to follow or something as simple as what electives to take freshman year, one of the greatest pieces of advice I can give is to ask for help. Whether it's a parent, an upperclassman, or an advisor, there are so many people on campus to help you with the decisions you’ll have to make. As for me, I was lucky enough to meet a professor who awakened the dormant passion I always knew I had for music teaching, and helped me cultivate the skills and heart I need to be successful.
As a senior, I look back on my years of undergrad with smiles, laughter (some for embarrassment, but most for the countless hysterically funny times I’ve had), and wistfulness, knowing that I only have a few months left. I remember the first real day of college that I had, which was the beginning of marching band camp. I was nervous, I knew absolutely nobody, and I didn’t know what to expect. One of the first things that happened is that the marching band director, Dr. Pasquale, came out to speak to all of the new freshman, welcome us here, and give us an introduction as to what to expect as college students, and as members of the band. One thing that Dr. Pasquale really emphasized is that we, as students, would not be coddled. We would, of course, be supported entirely and always by the staff and by our fellow students, but we would be pushed to be independent and mature adults who can achieve at the highest level.
And he was right. Looking back on my first season in the MMB, I know for certain that I was not the same person at the end of the season that I was at the beginning of it. I grew so much – interpersonally, intellectually, and emotionally – and it was because of Dr. Pasquale’s encouragement. As I was struggling to determine if I really wanted to major in music (everyone at home had always wanted me to, being that both of my parents are musical, and that it is something I’ve always been good at and passionate about), I began to realize something. People like Dr. Pasquale, and my other music professors and colleagues, are the people I felt comfortable with. They’re the people I connected with, the people whom I felt I shared something real and tangible with. They are the people who made me feel like music was not work, like it was not a job to be done. They inspired me to improve not to be better than others, but to be better than myself. To be the best musician I can be. They believed in my intelligence, and encouraged me when I needed it, pushed me when I needed that, and always offered the utmost in support and positivity. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
So now, as I finish up applying to graduate school, I reminisce on the incredible gifts I have been given as an undergraduate student, and the relationships I have formed with professors as incredible as Dr. Pasquale. I’m heartbroken to be leaving so soon, but I know I am well-prepared with the skills and confidence I need moving forward. To Dr. Pasquale, and to the other professors I’ve had, thank you. I cannot say that enough, but I hope you know how much your guidance has meant to me the past few years. You are inspirational.