Thank you. Thank you so much for finding me. Thank you for having faith in me when I was too scared to sign up. Thank you for changing my life.
Before I met you, I was just like any other girl. I suppose I still am, though now I feel much wiser. You have taught me so many things I never could have imagined and given me confidence I never knew I had.
You took a scared “little” girl and turned her into someone capable of things she never thought possible. Someone who harbors so much anxiety is now able to reach out to others without incessant fear of what others will think. Of course, that anxiety is still there, but you have taught me how to start overcoming it. For that, I cannot thank you enough.
In the last few months, I have learned more about life and the world than I did in years of school, and I learned more about people, too. I’ve learned that people really only want you when you benefit them, but when you start doing well for yourself, even if you’re offering something that can benefit them, they disappear. When you are confident and seemingly carefree others want nothing more than to tear you down. So again, I’d like to thank you for proving that not everyone is like that. Thank you to the amazing team that is always there to build me back up when I’m feeling down.
Thank you for not leaving me stranded when I signed up. Thank you for training me and constantly teaching me new things. I know not all companies teach their new teammates how to do their business, or their leaders are simply too new to train you. I understand and I don’t hold that against them, but thank you for never letting me fail. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself; for encouraging me to work hard and not to give up.
Thank you for not letting me quit. Though I do realize I could quit at any time and at the end of the day you couldn't do anything about it and there are no consequences, I wouldn’t want to lose you. You have been a constant presence and inspiration in my life and I know there would be a gaping hole in my heart where you should be.
You have become so much a part of me, such a passion of mine that I don’t even know who I would be without you. So, yet again I say, thank you for changing my life entirely for the better.
Thank you for not only encouraging me in my business, but also in my journey to become healthier. Without your constant support, words of advice and motivation I never would have gotten as far as I have now. Granted a lot of that is due to my trainer, a lot of it also has to do with not only the supplements we sell, but the people. I have tried a lot of things and only this combination (trainer, supplements from business and business) have worked. For that, I will always be grateful.
your very grateful teammate.