Dear the BTHS Football team,
I'm in the Color Guard section. I play the fight song in the stands with the other musicians because I'm a rebel. I'm at every game you guys play and we're the people who play all the fun songs the cheerleaders dance to sometimes.
We have our differences, the band and the football team. You guys draw bigger crowds to your games then we ever do to our competitions. You guys are usually the first concern whenever the budget is revised. You guys have a microphone that I'm pretty you use twice a year and the chorus room doesn't have proper chairs but that's not your fault. The budget planning isn't your fault. You just play the sport. Not gonna lie, I'm usually the first person to yell in rage whenever one of your teammates does something I disagree with. I'm usually the person complaining that you guys are winning because it means I have to freeze for another week. But something different happened this week.
We won against Freehold Boro which means we're going to Rutgers. As we were watching the game, I turned to the girl next to me and I said, "I can't believe we have to go in two weeks." And then I watched the game. Really watched. Our band has spent years losing to other bands. To richer bands, poorer bands, bigger bands, smaller bands. This year we turned that around. We used those years of mediocrity to change the tide. I don't know a lot about sports but I know that you guys haven't exactly won every game you've ever played. This year something was different for you too.
I've spent the last three years being very very angry at all of you. I've come to realize though, I shouldn't be. I go to school with you guys. I share classes, teachers, and friends with you. We're all together in the BTHS student body, for better for worse. Band has its bad moments and I'd imagine football does too. A teammate of yours said to me the other day, "I never realized how hard band works. You're there before us and sometimes after we leave."
We work stupidly hard, ridiculously hard. We perform at football games and tell the new kids and the younger kids "No one cares about our performance at this game except for us, the band staff, and our parents. Don't worry when they talk through our performance." But three of you didn't on Friday. Three of you stood on the track and watched. You watched the whole performance and clapped when it was over. I've never seen that happen before. That made me think. I've spent three years being mad. I don't want to be mad anymore.
Good luck on December 3rd. Good luck from in the stands. Good luck from the field. Good luck.
the BTHS Marching Dragons' shortest Color Guard member