We were young. I had no intention of dating. I was always so obsessed with school and popularity.
I noticed you from the beginning. You were charming and so funny. When you walked into a room... everyone knew it. That is just the person you are.
I always knew I had a crush on you but I was just too afraid to show it. I was too shy to show any feelings at all.
As time went on, I avoided any conversation about relationships.
I always thought you'd stand beside me no matter what. I knew you had to move on and I didn't want to hold you back. I began to watch you fade away from me.
High school ended, and we went on a date or two. I realized right then... how did I let someone like this go? You were so special and brilliant (even though you didn't think so). You laughed at all my jokes and held my hand in a time of need. Your presence began to bring a sense of comfort.
I let you go and I still regret it. I let you find someone, and also find yourself in that process.
If I could go back, I'd fight harder... but I can't go back.
All I can say now is that I wish you a world of happiness. I hope one day, you see me again... maybe in town or at the grocery store. I hope we catch up on old times and laugh a little.
Sometimes you can wish the best for someone, but that doesn't mean you weren't the best.
Never give up on someone, you'll always regret it.
Follow Swoon on Instagram.