Dear Manager,
First off, let me tell you how insanely lucky I was to have you as my manager. You were a blessing to myself and many others. I'm beyond grateful to know you personally and professionally. You've taught me so much about not only my job, but life in general. And I wanted to say thank you.
When I first started working with you, I won't lie I was a little intimidated. You had so much knowledge of literally everything that was going on. I remember thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into. I'll never be able to know this much in only a few short days of training. I was terrified. But then finding out you'd been here for more than 20 years the whole knowledge thing made total sense. As I got more comfortable with you and with this job, I knew as long as I had you in the picture I'd be okay.
Thank you for pushing me to do better. You had the confidence in me no one else did. Not even I had the confidence in myself that you had in me. You reminded me that I was good at what I was doing and that I needed to take a deep breath and go for it. When I first started I was shy. Knowing me now that's hard to believe. But you believed in me. From the first staff meeting to learning how to do memberships, you were constantly the best backbone there ever was. Thank you for always believing in me when you knew I didn't believe in myself.
Thank you for always putting me in my place when I needed it. Sometimes I had a tendency to go off on a tangent or I'd mess something up. You never failed to talk to me when I needed that kind of talk. If I messed something up, you'd tell me, show me how to fix it, then make me fix it myself because you knew I needed to learn. Thank you for never being shy with me and just telling it how it was, that has truly made me a better person and a better employee in the long run.
Thank you for being a work mom. It was no joke that I got incredibly close to you as we started working more together. But from the moment I started working under you I instantly looked to you as a work mom. You gave the best advice in the world whether it was work related or personal. You never failed to be there for me when needed. The end of 2015 and into 2016 was not my year. Dealing with a breakup that crushed me, you and two other coworkers literally held me up. Let me cry, listened to me, but also showed me there is way more to life than a childish relationship, and that I'll meet plenty more before I find "the one". There were times I'd come into your office and just hide because I needed to escape people. You always let me. You never left me in the dust and you'd always answer my texts even if they were at 4am. You were truly a work mom, and I'm so grateful for that.
Thank you for making this work environment not so dreadful. I do enjoy coming to work don't get me wrong but there were some moments I hated coming in. But I knew if I saw your car, I'd be okay. You'd make my job easier in a way, you brought a calming sense and a sense of everything will be okay eventually. I always say when I see a new hire, that you're being trained by the best. You treated us with respect, and saw us as people and not just employees. You wereare someone we can all count on regardless of the reason or the time.
Lastly, thank you for being the best manager there ever was. To sum up this entire article, you were the best manager there ever was and ever could be. While you'll still be working here you'll be moving to the other location and will no longer be my manager, which saddens me greatly, but I know you'll always be here no matter what the situation (unless it's at 4am) and that makes me feel so much better. I pray for you on your new journey with this new position. I know you'll do an amazing job because you're an amazing person. I've always had faith in you, like you've had in us. I'm grateful and blessed for these past 2 years of knowing you and just being around you. Thank you for truly being the best of the best and "because I know you, I have been changed for good"
Your favorite redheaded human.