People always talk about their significant others that break their hearts, but no one really talks about the pain you feel when someone who you thought was your best friend breaks your heart. I wish you knew how much it still hurts, and more than anything I wish you felt sorry about everything that happened. I invested so much time into our friendship that completely went to waste.
At first I was angry. I cut you off. I couldn’t even talk about it without my blood boiling. I despised how upset a single person could make me and I hated myself for letting you have that control. It was my life, but somehow you were dictating everything. I went to you for everything. You knew everything about me. Whenever something happened, you were one of the first people I would text or call. Not having that left a giant hole in me that I never thought I would be able to fill again. I felt like after something like this I would never find new friends, but thankfully I could not have been more wrong.
It was not until I detached myself from you that I realized how toxic our friendship was. For years I sat silently while you made comments about me that made me not want to love myself and view myself with the inherent dignity I possess as a human being. Detaching myself from you made me open to discovering new friendships that I am so glad that I have made. The friends I made after you treat me with respect. They love me for who I am. They showed me what true friendship is and rekindled a spark in me that died when you were constantly bringing me down.
Even though you hurt me, I do want to thank you for the memories we share. We had some of the best times together and you were there for me when I didn’t have anyone. I don’t carry any ill feelings, and I hope you don’t either. You were put in my life for a reason and I was put in yours for one too. Our friendship was a season, and seasons change. Thank you for helping me understand that. It’s a lesson I’m glad I learned sooner rather than later.
I hope you’re doing well, and I hope you have good friends in your life right now even though I am not in it. I really hope you don’t hurt anyone the way you hurt me. I’m not sure if we could still be friends in the way that we used to be, but I hope you know I would always be there for you if you ever needed help or were in trouble. You are a human being with a soul hand crafted by God and I will never forget that, no matter how many things have happened between us. I hope you are successful in every endeavor and I wish only the best for you.