Please stop.
I don't mean stop being upset or stop making your voice heard. I am asking you, as a fellow American, to stop the violence at Trump rallies.
For months, we have seen peaceful protests turn into violent mobs at political rallies and campaign stops, but any event being hosted by Donald Trump is now almost guaranteed levels of barbarity not seen since the 1968 Democratic National Convention. In fact, the injuries that Trump supporters (and even innocent bystanders) have incurred at the hands of these "protestors" is why I've decided to call them by what they really are: thugs.
If you haven't noticed, many believe that the City of Cleveland not survive the 2016 Republican Convention. It is completely ridiculous that an American city might suffer damage from citizens because the RNC chose to hold their convention here ages ago (before Donald Trump became the nominee). If you don't see anything wrong with rioting damaging people's property and endangering people's lives and livelihoods, then you are part of the problem.
Let me be crystal clear: I support and believe in your right to protest Donald Trump's policies, government opacity, or anything else really. We are nation founded on protests and we protect protests for that very reason, but as soon as that protest becomes a threat or presents a clear and present danger, your right to peacefully assemble ends. Not to mention that if police do decide to break up your riots, there is a very good chance that you will get hurt, end up in jail, or both.
Protesting is an effective way to convey your message, but here's an even better way: vote. If you aren't registered, then register to vote. If you are ineligible to vote, then encourage those who are eligible. The ballot will always be stronger than any punches (or eggs) that you can throw, and for whom you cast your vote means more than any verbal assault you can throw at another human.
I understand that the protests will continue. I also understand that if they do, people will get hurt or worse, get killed. Please don't let that happen. If downtown Cleveland is ravaged, the group everyone will blame will be you. When that happens, your chances of accomplishing anything productive go straight to zero.
Although this may sound irrelevant, what exactly do you hope to accomplish? Trump is the Republican nominee. Period. He has 100% name recognition, so everyone knows who he is and what he says he stands for (insults and toupe included). Trust me, I still am having a hard time believing that all of this is reality, but it is.
I must also ask you to consider this possibility: if Trump is elected President of the United States, will you ransack Washington, D.C.? Will you protest outside of the White House day and night, and set up tents on Capitol Hill? What is the end game?
What do you want?
I want Donald Trump to change, but I really have no control over what he does, and neither do you. You can only control your actions, and your actions are dangerous and must stop. Please.