Dear American Justice System,
Incase you haven't heard, you’re beginning to be a big deal again. “Why” you might be asking? Well, mainly because you're at the forefront of what is today’s modern prejudice. You see how you already have the second most people incarcerated per capita, but you're inflicting the most severe of sentences to people of colored ethnicities. Now I get that we are all “equal,” whatever you guys meant by that, but we still aren’t being treated fairly. I mean we could talk about the Alabama blogger, Roger Shuler, who is currently enjoying the confinement of your beautiful cell walls for exercising a right you fundamentally gave him the right to have. Does that even make sense? Granted, he was writing about an alleged affair of a lawyer but truthfully, shouldn't that be something the public should know? Especially because he is running for congress? Or how about Kalief Browder, a 16 year old high school sophomore that was arrested while walking home from a party on account of the police saying they received a tip from three weeks prior of him committing a robbery? What sucks the most is probably the fact that he had 33 months of his life taken away from him because he wasn't convicted or even had a trial yet spent that time confined in Rikers.
Damn, Justice, not really offering much Justice are you? How about the story that is making you so notorious lately. One of your judges, Aaron Persky, decided to take it “easy” on Brock Turner when sentencing him to only six months in prison for RAPING AN UNCONSCIOUS WOMAN behind a dumpster. I don't know if you understand what I just said, but he only received a six month sentencing. The sad part is that he was given this sentencing instead of the minimal 15-25 years because “it would have an impact on him” because he “wont be a danger to others.” So what about the woman that was unconscious? What about her dignity? She will forever live with this black cloud over her head because Aaron Persky let a rapist off easy because of his accomplishments at Stanford, and her life will forever be impacted by this rapist's actions. Now I am not the person that likes doing this, but I’m gonna call it out and say…This is what White Privilege looks like! Now here’s where it gets all fuzzy as well; Corey Batey committed the same exact crime and was sentenced to 15-25 years in prison. What’s even worse, in his case, they considered it aggravated rape. I’m writing this letter to you because I just want to find out when will we stop this injustice within the system? I’m tired of seeing my fellow people of color being mistreated within all aspects of society. Whether you’re African American, Middle Eastern, or Latino, we will be ostracized and treated unfairly because we are the scapegoats for the people of power. It is easier for you guys to point fingers at those with less because you have more to lose than we do, materialistically at least.
When you treat us unfairly, not only do you change the lives of the people you are convicting, but you ruin their opportunity to change the world. The potential everyone has to change the world can only be found in healthy and positive environments. Who is going to want to change the world when the world wont change for them? We have a man with a shit ton of money and no political experience what-so-ever running for president! A man that is so obnoxiously racist that I'm confused as to who to be more upset at, him or the mindless mob of followers that took, what seemed like a funny joke at first, this too far. I know you’re probably somewhere out there letting serious criminals off easy and convicting harmless drug offenders to life sentences for growing their own marijuana plants. Although I wanted to keep this short, we can see that the only thing short around here is the sentence you gave that rapist Brock Turner.
A Very Disgruntled Human Being