To the amazing friends I met this past school year,
With the new school year approaching and the summer coming to an end, I have been reflecting on all the decisions I have made, the people I have met, and more importantly all the good things that have happened in this year. This past spring semester I went out for a sorority as a Junior in college and I was nervous already being one of the oldest girls, but I was more nervous I wouldn’t be able to fit in anywhere. I was 100% wrong. I found my home within the women of Delta Phi Epsilon and more importantly I found my amazing best friends. The girls that I have become friends with will never replace the friends that I already had from home, but have made it that much easier to enjoy my time left as an undergrad.
Before meeting you all, I hated Montclair, I’m a commuter as you know, I wasn’t involved and even worse I couldn’t make friends, but when I came out for a sorority I knew I was in for a ride, but I knew the girls in my pledge class along with who would become my big (and twin) would become my friends for life and that’s exactly what happened. I have been blessed to meet such amazing people in such a short period of time. It’s almost like I was destined to be friends with you all because it didn’t take long for us to become inseparable. I have spent almost every day of our process with you all creating memories and laughing my head off (which you would think I would have abs from, but unfortunately don’t). I spent this entire summer traveling all over Jersey just to keep the memories rolling because I couldn’t imagine spending my fun summer nights with any other people. I guess what I’m trying to say is no matter how old you are, never be afraid to put yourself out there and to meet new people because if I didn’t take the chance to come out for a sorority I would have never met probably some of the best people I have met in my life thus far. I am truly blessed to have you guys because I know you genuinely care about me no matter how long (or short) of time that we have known each other. I have never laughed, cried, and enjoyed my time with more girls in my entire life (because anyone who knows me, knows half of my best friends from High School are boys).
Being involved in my sorority and meeting all the people that I have met this year has really opened my eyes to focus on who was really there for me and who genuinely cares about me. Sometimes with friendships and with love it doesn’t matter on the amount of time that someone is in your life, but it matters on the qualities of those friendships and those relationships because you could be in a friendship or relationship for years and not truly care or love those people, but you could be in someone’s life for shorter than a month and know for a fact that you’re going to be in this persons life. Relationships in life are about quality and not quantity and what I have found is so many quality friendships that I know I can cherish for a very, very long time. So I want to thank my lovely best friends who I’m fortunate enough to call sisters too.
With love and thanks,