Dear students,
Ah yes, Thanksgiving. A time where we can eat endless amounts of food that is not from your college campus, sleep for hours on end without random fire drills, not paying for laundry, and spending time with your family and friends you haven't seen in literally ages. While that is all fine and dandy, here are a few things to keep in mind while you are at home.
Let your parents smother you.
Especially your Mom. Your parents probably haven't spent so much time with you at one time since you lived with them. While away at school, you might have missed birthdays, weddings, holidays, and other important events that are significant to you and your family. If your parents seem overly attached to you, don't get annoyed. Your parents just miss you and all of the joy that you physically being there brings them.
Don't blow off your siblings for your friends.
Your little brother or sister has not only missed you, but they have begun adjusting without you. So, when you come back, they are going to want to go back to "normal" ways of life. If you used to take them to school, they might want you to drop them off or pick them up again. Try not to get annoyed when they just want to hang out with you and don't brush them off for the people you haven't talked to since graduation.
Try not to sleep your break away.
We are all tired and stressed out, but like I stated earlier, your family has looked forward to you coming home for longer than just a weekend at a time. Sleeping in is nice and I'm definitely not saying you shouldn't take advantage of your nice bed that hasn't been slept in for months. I am saying that after you get caught up on all of your rest, go and socialize with your family. Instead of expecting them to ask about your classes and college, ask them about how they have been. Sleep is great, but family is better.
Respect your parents' rules.
This is always a difficult adjustment, especially in your freshman year of college. You've lived on your own for months now with your own bedtime, your own rules, and your own regulations. Well, guess what? You're back in your parents' house with their rules. No matter how big you may think you are, you still have to follow their rules. So, both parents and students have to understand that adjustments will have to be made and adaptations will be happening. So, just let it ride.
Enjoy your home cooked meals while you can.
Don't sleep your Thanksgiving break away, eat it away. Literally eat all of the pie, greens, mashed potatoes, and meat you can. Nothing compares to your Mom's Thanksgiving feast featuring your family's special sides and although your campus tries, it just isn't the same. So, thank your Mom a little extra for dedicating the whole week you are there to your favorite foods and for adding unconventional Thanksgiving items, such as guacamole, to your Thanksgiving spread.
Appreciate your break and love your family because as soon as you're back to school, it's finals time. You know what finals mean? Stress. So, relax, eat some Cool Whip and Pumpkin Pie and hang with your family.