Dear Stageless,
What a week last week was. Two days, three shows, hours and months of work. The adrenaline crash is truly real. I can't help but admit that though satisfying as it is to perform and show off everything you had been working on for months, this is my least favorite part of the Spring Semester. This is the part when spending 3-4 nights a week singing and dancing with some of the funniest people I have ever met comes to an end.
This is the part where, technically, you now are free Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights and sometimes Saturday afternoon. This is the part when the semester starts to come down. As much as it is a relief that summer grows closer and closer each day, this is the part when it hits you. In nearly a month...yes, the weather will be warmer. Yes, I will be home in California. And yes, classes will be over. But with the end of the semester comes the inevitable moving on of those who I've had the privilege of getting to know the last few years.
We move closer to saying bye to people that most definitely changed my life for better. People that I may be too nervous or anxious to talk to, or people that could not make me stop laughing even if they tried. People that took my obnoxiously loud laugh and still kept me around. People that led to even more friendships that I hope will last. Despite being a communications major, I'm not very good with words, so telling you any of this in person is pretty hard, but alas my admiration for you guys is bigger than you think.
To everyone in Stageless (especially the seniors), thank you for your friendship, and for this show. What started as a class assignment turned into the tribute I only wish I could say to all of your beautiful faces. And even with our incredible professionalism this weekend, Stageless would be nothing without our Shenanigans.
The girl probably pointing a camera at you, so just act natural.