Dear Darling,
I can see the sadness in your eyes whenever you come visit us. It feels like you carried a lot on your shoulders for a young girl. You have been doing it more lately than before, but we don’t mind. It’s funny how you come for homework help but we don’t start it until we realize late. My parents and I have realized that you come to de-stress yourself and obviously to eat our food. But, we love having you with us.
I remember the first time I held you, you were one chubby baby. We got along so well and you became like a sister to me. You always loved to come to our apartment and make it your own. Yet, again you were the only baby and got the attention of everyone. You were one happy baby, I have pictures to prove it. You have grown up so fast, it seems like yesterday you were eight years old.
I know that you feel less in your family. They make you feel like you can’t achieve anything. That they are always comparing you to your siblings or others around you. I know that this affects your self-esteem. It brings your confidence down. You probably think about what more needs to be done to make your family be proud of you. However, you are fighting back. You are showing them that you can do it. And I couldn’t be any prouder of you for fighting back.
Recently, you said something to me that has made me think a lot about my life and the way it’s impacting. At first, I didn’t pay too much attention to it. I thought you were only venting to me but it turned out to be more than that. You said, “My parents expect me to be just like you. They want me to get good grades, behave well, and go to college. Be the perfect daughter. But I don’t want to be like you. Why do you think that I don’t behave well? Why am I always getting in trouble? I don’t want to be like you. I want to be me.” I told you that you didn’t have to be like me because everyone is different and that you should be you. After I dropped you off, I came home feeling sad. I know that your parents expect a lot from you since you are their eldest daughter. But I didn’t know that they wanted you to be like me. Everything I have accomplished so far is because I want to set a good example for all you, our cousins and my sibling. It hasn’t been an easy path. You don’t know how much pressure I have carried and still do for being the oldest in our family. Everyone expects me to be the role model for everyone.
I am sorry that you have felt this way. I want you to know that I am proud of you and what you have accomplished. You don’t have to be like me to achieve the best. I want you to be you and only you, prove everyone who has doubted you wronged. I will always be there by your side to support you and cheer you on. You can always count on me I love you!
Your biggest supporter