To my soulmate,
Our paths here on this beautiful planet are not always as easy as we would like to hope. Things get hard, they get really freaking hard. As the path gets twisted and things get tough we often lose who we are.
We find ourselves trapped with nowhere to go and it just seems dark. Sometimes darker than we have ever experienced. Then the universe sends you a soulmate.
You may only stay for a short while or I might get to hold on to you a little longer, I understand that as hard as it is to accept. You are not the one who decides how long I will need you, though. You awaken my soul, you light my energy on fire. For a mere second on this planet, your soul becomes one with mine. You allow me to find my path again.
Your touch sends me to a different dimension. It's so exhilarating to feel my soul intertwine with another's. You walked into my life when I needed you the most, you showed me peace.
You will give me everything I need to find myself once again, I have felt it. You show me nothing but patience, love, and no judgment at all. You give me a place to plant my feet and grow into something I never thought I'd see again. You give me a place to hide when the rest of the world chooses to not understand me.
You are a beautiful being. Although, we usually don't notice who these individuals are until they have left. I'm glad I am noticing you and how special you truly are in this part of my life.
Your energies wrap around me, protecting me as I piece myself back together. You don't fool me, though, you are just as broken as I. You need me just as much because I may also be your soulmate.
You don't have to be my lover, you only have to connect to my soul. As much as I may hope for you to be mine sometimes it's simply not suppose to be. This isn't because you're not good enough, this isn't because we don't mesh on every level...the reality is we do, and we do better than any two human beings ever have.
You may have more soul mending to do, or I more soul searching to do. Who is to say really beside the universe itself.
While I have my soulmate; and god I am glad I noticed when that was. I will choose to just BE, with you. I will be me with all my walls knocked down and I will allow you to be who you are as freely and open as you come. You will forever be part of my soul, you will leave behind some energy that you no longer needed. I will do the same.
I cherish you because I will not come across many individuals like you . I am lucky to come across one in my short existence here.
I can only hope I am your soulmate too.
A member of your soul group
A side note for my readers:
Don't search for your soulmate, they will find you when you both desperately need awakening. The universe will allow your souls to come crashing into each other so intensely it will hurt when your paths begin to separate once again.
I thank the universe for giving me my soulmate and allowing me to appreciate them in their most vulnerable form as they do me.