There's so many thing I could write. Small business is such a beautiful pursuit. What most people don't see is how much time and effort it takes to create a business from love and passion towards customers. The amount of time that owners spend carefully planning their shops and vision.
I'm here to say that I love each and every one of you. No matter what business you have, no matter if it went out of business or it's soaring. You all are so wonderful and deserve so much credit. Every single business was hand crafted to provide a service or product for women and men around the world. It keeps our country alive. It's the principals of America and without small business so many people would be unemployed.
Small businesses around the world should get so much attention but a lot of the times fails because the internet age has taken over.
I'm here to say I appreciate every single step of your journey. From planning out your shop to cleaning and hiring staff. From investing your hard earned money into advertising and trying your hardest to bring the most valeuable touch to our lives, your hand crafted vision is beyond magical. It's so deserved for you to soar high and it doesn't matter what your business is, each one is so unique and a gift to our world. Without you we would be an unemployed generation of losers. You make people extremely excited greeting us with your tender love and care for our opinions.
You have thoughtfully risked your life for us to enjoy your amazing products and services. The sleepless nights and time away from family and friends to keep your store running. The amount of endless hours and 100 hour work weeks do not go unnoticed. Our generation thanks you for your remarkable persistence and willingness to give us a piece of your heart.
Small business is not only brave, unique, and clever it is change and provides locals a fun, memorable experience. Our world seriously thanks you for everything you do for us and the time you take to gather local men and women into a community not just a "group of people"
You see, community is incredible and without small business we really wouldn't have any.
Did we all forget how much they do for us? Did we all forget that walking into a store has so much more depth than ordering online?
Order online from a small business. Make sure to say thank you because the time they spend on making it possible for you to order what you love is unfathomable to the consumers eye.
I ask men and women around the world to shop local and next time you visit tell them how much it means to them.