So, you hear the phrase "single mother," and immediately what pops into your mind has some sort of negative baggage that comes with it. Am I right? Of course I am. After all, I was raised by my mom, my single mom, that is, and she did a damn good job.
Though each family’s situation is different, a single mother is typically thought to be a young, struggling woman that was somehow given the lovely task of raising a child/children on her own, seemingly rumored for this decision to be against her liking. The truth of the matter is, despite the negative attention she may receive for raising a child without a significant other in the home, she’s doing the best she can with what she has, and, more often than not, she’s single-handedly doing it well.
Now, this isn’t to say that single mothers are perfect. Hell, I don’t think any mother can honestly say she is absolutely flawless. Dating back to the third grade, I remember doing homework with my mom when she got home from work and gabbing about my day just to look up and see that she had fallen asleep sitting upright, head resting in the palm of her hand. She never admitted it to me, but looking back, I know she must have been exhausted. I don’t remember a time, especially during the holidays, when she wasn’t working 2, even 3, jobs at a time. Single mothers are aware of the stigma and they are aware of how the world treats children that come from single parent homes. It just means that she works twice as hard to not be pulled down by the stereotypes and the common misconception that one woman cannot possibly raise a child who is intelligent, well-mannered, self-sufficient, and, most importantly, happy.
Yeah, it’s true. My mother worried about money. All single moms do, I think. Being a single mom means she is the one and only bread-winner of the household. She essentially wears the pants at all times, so to speak. Sometimes, this means living paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes, it just means being thrifty and making bargain-hunting a sport. But, I’ll have you know that I currently hold the record for the World’s Best Target Bargain Shopper. Ok, I don’t, but I probably could if that was a thing. Thanks, Mom.
To the people who may take pity on single moms, you should really start taking notes instead. Life happens. Though she may wish she could close her eyes and magically appear on a deserted island somewhere far, far away from all the life-juggling she has going on at home, she doesn’t want your pity. In fact, her situation isn’t gloomy at all. She’s raising a child/children who will love her unconditionally, and always remember everything that she sacrificed to give her little family the best life possible. So, to all the single ladies out there, keep up the good work, relax, and smile, you are adored and appreciated more than you know. And, of course, a special note to the one who made me strong: thank you for everything. I love you, Mom.