Have you ever stopped to think that maybe nobody cares about your personal opinion on the candidates in the upcoming presidential election? I feel like no matter where I go, whether it be at home, at school, or even out in public, someone's trying to shove their political beliefs down my throat. Scrolling down the Facebook newsfeed is something I can barely even do anymore because everybody is bashing one candidate or another. It's getting repetitive and annoying.
You need to realize that people are scrolling and seeing the same things, so they're just simply looking past all of it in search for something interesting and not politics-related. People go on social media to kill time and to be entertained. They do not want to see your political opinions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a specific viewpoint, and as always, everyone is entitled to what they feel and what they think, but there's no reason to be trying to sway people's views through social media. It's perfectly fine to embrace your differences, but social media is not the place to be doing it.
Having a political opinion is great. Being educated on each of the candidates is great. Forming an opinion is great. But you do not need to share these thoughts on social media. It's just going to cause arguments, because for every one person to agree with you, hundreds won't. "Delete me as a friend if you're in support of _______" posts are also getting pretty old. If you're willing to completely drop friendships over differences regarding political opinions, you may need to rethink some things.
You're not going to change someone else's opinion by shoving your opinion down their throat. Sharing a graphic on social media of a candidate on one side and Hitler on the other and comparing the two isn't going to sway someone else's opinion. You could compare Hitler to pretty much anything and find some similarities, by the way. Just because you do not personally agree with a candidate's views on something does not mean that other people do not agree. And, wow, what a crazy idea: just because people agree with a certain idea/topic doesn't mean they're wrong or a horrible person!
I just feel like, even though this is such an important time, it's better to just sit back and do some research on the candidates. Once you've done your research and have formed an opinion, it's best to keep it to yourself.
When it comes time to vote, you're filling out that ballot based on your individual opinions and research, not because of what your friend posted on her Facebook wall.
You need to remember that no one wants to see this on social media because that's not why we use it. Posting Tasty videos is where it's at, though.