Dear people who go to the beach:
As lifeguards, we love it when people come to our beaches and make conversation and have fun and follow the rules. It is a perfect job; sitting in the sun, meeting great people, getting a tan, and most importantly, having the skills to actually save someone’s life if needed.
What we do not like, however, are the people who think that they own the whole damn beach.
No, your kid cannot go into the deep end if they have not passed the swim test- something about their swimming abilities makes us not so sure it would be a good idea to have them flailing around in 15 foot deep water.
No, you cannot do a backflip off of the dock. You may be an Olympic diver, but it does not matter. Spinal injuries are no fun and can happen to anyone.
No, your toddler cannot be by themselves in the water. Do not sit at a bench and play on your phone while your child is alone on the beach.
No, you cannot use our rescue board and play with the backboard. What if we need it? When you are a certified lifeguard, go ahead.
Please do not argue with us. We have been trained in policy and procedure for our beaches. We are paid to keep people safe. All of the rules have been made with the beach-goers safety in mind. Also, if you are a big, huge, intimidating man, do not try and pick a fight with a 16-year-old lifeguard. It is our job to enforce rules, and it is not fair to try and take them up with us.
Now it may seem like I hate everyone who comes to the beach, but I really don't. I have met so many great people over the last three years that I have been lifeguarding. The kids are awesome and will use those sand-castle building skills one day to build the next spaceship. The parents have great life stories and love to strike up conversations. Tourists are fun to talk to and give advice about where to visit next.
I love my job and the people I meet every day, but be respectful. Make a lifeguard’s day sometime and compliment them. Because, really, lifeguards are pretty great.
A lifeguard