I’m an avid coffee drinker who has a couple questions for people who don’t drink coffee. Now, I’m not here to judge anyone who isn’t a fan of caffeinated bean water, I’m just genuinely curious. Mostly because I need at least one cup every morning to function.
I made the stupid mistake of scheduling an 8:00 a.m. class this semester. You would think that I would have learned after my first year of college that taking a class that early is one of the worst things you could do to yourself when planning the semester, but yet I still did it because I apparently do not learn from my mistakes.
Every single morning, I make myself a cup of coffee before dragging my partially conscious body to class where I down the contents of my little red mug and seem to magically turn into a functional human being. For many years, I didn’t even drink coffee, but once I started college I couldn’t seem to go without it. So I wonder, how do people just not drink it?
I get that some people just don’t like how coffee tastes, which is understandable. But that’s why coffee creamer exists. I mean, sure, I’ve also learned to appreciate the flavor of black coffee but that’s definitely not everyone’s preference. And that brings me back to coffee creamer. There’s so many delicious flavors to choose from so you’re bound to find at least one that you like. Even then, I know that there’s people that just flat-out don’t drink coffee.
Then I wonder, how else do you all stay awake?! Is it because drinking coffee jacks you up? Because so do energy drinks, some sodas, and even some teas. Admittedly, caffeine levels in all those vary, but my question still stands. I’ve read that drinking lemon water in the morning can help to wake up your body, so I tried that for a while. I felt super healthy and the added hydration did wonders for my skin. However, it didn’t keep me awake quite as much as drinking coffee did.
Now that I've gotten into the habit of drinking coffee every morning, I can't really go without it. So I don't understand how someone can flat-out not drink coffee. But hey, y'all keep on doing you and I'll be over here with a huge mug of coffee.