I would first of all like to thank my friend, Baylee, for giving me this idea to write about. I would secondly like to thank all my friends who have pit bulls; thank you for letting my pet and hang out with your wonderful puppies and dogs. Without further ado, here is an open letter to people who dislike Pit Bulls.
Dear people who dislike Pit Bulls,
I bet I can answer this question for you in a couple of different ways. I know some of you have had a dog or know of a person that was attacked by a dog, who just so happened to be a Pit Bull. I would like you to know that I am sorry that happened, and I would like you to know this is not a reason to hate Pit Bulls. However, it may be a good reason to pick a bone with the owner.
There are people with so much evil in them that they train Pit Bulls and other dogs to fight and to be vicious and mean. Those owners should not own Pit Bulls, other dogs, or any animal for that matter.
I understand that pit bulls get a bad rat, and I understand where that comes from. However, I think that we should greet a Pit Bull with the same love that we would greet a Golden Retriever with. Greet them like this:
Pit bulls are not a deadly weapon, they are just another one of man's best friends. I know that there are bad dogs out there, but you cannot hate every dog because of it. I know that there are bad Pit Bulls out there, but you cannot hate all of them for it. Think about it like this: There are good cops and there are bad cops, and that makes sense to us.
So, why doesn't it make sense to us to realize that there are some dogs, including Pit Bulls, who were trained to be bad, and that we cannot hate all other dogs, and Pit Bulls, who are loving and kind? Please try and understand that. Pit Bull puppies are not born wanting to fight and kill (Trust me, my friends Pit Bull just had 11 puppies, and every single one of them just wanted to love you and play with you).
The Pit Bulls that end up being the ones who give them a bad rat cannot and should not be blamed, but the owner can and should be blamed. Some grow up in the wrong home, and have a really bad owner. There is no such thing as a bad dog, there are just bad owners.
Now that that's out of the way, I would like to mention that there are also lots of reasons to love Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls have great personalities, and are very empathetic. They are also very outgoing. Their energy makes them super playful.
They have the silliest smiles, and you cannot not smile when looking at them. They like to cuddle, they are loyal, and they love giving kisses. They are good with families, they are good with babies (yes, even babies). They just want to love you and be around you, just like any other dog.
So, all I ask is that you start to look at Pit Bulls with a different perspective. Show them love, and they will love you right back.
Lastly, here are more cute pics of super nice Pit Bulls I know.
This is Mojo:
This is Trinity and her sister:
This is Max:
This is Callie:
See? Pit Bulls are nice, after all.