Four years ago, you decided to commit to the greatest university in the world. You probably didn't realize this at the time, but these were going to be the greatest four years of your life. Now here you are, in your last month as an undergrad and you don't know exactly what or how to feel. Graduating feels like it's chasing after you, like a rain cloud stuck above only you. You're stressed out about finals and becoming an adult, and you're also freaking out about leaving the greatest place in the world. I've been there, I get it.
How many times have you found yourself saying "why can't I just graduate already?" when you're up for your umpteenth all nighter? Or saying how much you miss home? You're probably kicking yourself now, aren't ya? Don't worry, we all did.
The days of Sunday Funday's in your friends backyards are slowly coming to a close. You're preparing to move back into your parents house, or you're apartment hunting. You feel as if you've sent out a million job applications, and are slowly starting to freak out if you haven't heard anything back. I'm here to tell you, to just breathe.
Take it all in. Appreciate everything that is in front of you right now. Before you know it, you'll be sitting at a computer writing an article to those going through the exact emotions that you are right now. You'll be sitting at your desk at work listening to your Spotify, and a song from that one party or THON will start playing and the nostalgia will start hitting you like a truck.
Don't start freaking out about getting a job. Some of us don't find that dream job until later on, it is NORMAL. But don't just sit back and feel sorry for yourself. Get that experience, work hard and don't give up.
Do the things you've been saying you'll do since freshman year. Hike Mount Nittany, even if you hate hiking. Go to Penn's Cave, have a picnic on Old Main lawn, hell even try to climb the Old Main bell tower. I still regret not doing that.
This could be the most important piece of advice I can give. DON'T go straight home after graduation. Stay a few extra days to have a few stress-free, no work days to yourself, and with your friends. These are the people that you have become family with during your last few years. Be stupid (but not too stupid) and go out with a bang. Because now you're all going your separate ways. Some of you may be leaving the state for work or whatnot, and you won't get to see the every day like you're so used to. But never EVER forget to stay in touch. Even if you don't talk everyday, never forget that these were the people that made this college experience as great as it was.
Above all, be proud of yourself. You are graduating from the greatest university in the world. You made a lifetime of memories in just four short years. You'll be looking back on these past years and smile. You might even tear up a bit when you see social media posts about the first day of classes or THON, or Blue and White. It's going to be weird not being apart of these events, but just remember you have the memories to hold onto.
Forever true to you, dear old white and blue.