To Our Future President,
I cannot begin to understand the position that you have just taken. The media and our history books highlight what your job is supposed to be but I have a suspicious feeling that there is much more to the job than all of us see. You are thrust into this position and you will be facing many obstacles ahead of you. Regardless of my political views, the following is a bit of advice and well wishes as you start this new chapter in your life.
You are human. Even though everyone now holds you to a nearly impossible standard, you are bound to make mistakes. Mistakes are part of life, unfortunately when you make a mistake it will be broadcast-ed for the world to see.
The media is a circus. They always say don't believe everything you read, but these days that phrase doesn't seem to apply. As soon as someone sees that one catchy headline, or reads one bogus story it is suddenly truth. This has reigned to be true this election season as well. You cannot control what they put out but be careful how you handle yourself, you have just become the role model of hundreds of thousands of children.
You will never be everyone's favorite. I am sure that you have already come to this realization but it is a good thing to keep in mind. Governing a country is hard, you have to make decisions that are in the best interest of our country. Those choices are not always going to be popular, but you were elected by the people and we trusted you above the other to make these decisions.
Chaos will ensue no matter how this election turns out. Today's world is filled with so many avenues of communication and while this can be a great thing, hate spreads like wildfire. There will be hate. People are emotionally invested in this election and feel strongly one way or the other. There will be people who will be hateful towards you and there will be people who will support you until their dying breath.
I want you to know this. I believe in you. Regardless of who you are, I put my trust in you to take care of the country that I love. My love for my country tops that of my love or admiration of any President that will ever take office. This country is something that my ancestors worked hard to build. They poured their lives into making this a place where we can all have differing opinions, we can vote, we can practice our religions. While this election has been chaotic in the media, it goes to show that America is a place where we are free to have a voice.
Just know that when things are hard there is at least on person out there who understands you are only human, the media probably has things twisted and that you are doing your best to honor our country. God bless America and God bless you.