To the confused freshman,
Breath. This all seems overwhelming now but it is going to be so worth it. The night before your first class, make sure you walk through campus and get a good sense of where your classes are. Don't be that girl who walks in on the first day sweating, exhausted and late because you didn't know where to go.
When you walk into your freshman seminar, make sure you sit next to someone that you could see yourself becoming friends with. Make a goal for the day to at least make one friend. One person throughout the entire day that you feel like you know a little bit more about them than all of the other strangers in the room.
Go to bed, early. I get it, it's your first official week of college and you want to celebrate your freedom and independence, but there is nothing more rewarding than sleeping in the apartment that you pay for, going to classes you have loans out for and making sure your education is successful. Your first week of classes sets you up for the entire semester.
Who cares about the boy who doesn't understand why you want to rush a sorority or go eat at the commons every day with your new friends? At the end of the day, if he is not as driven and motivated to become involved in college, it is never going to work. As harsh as it sounds if you come into college with a boyfriend who isn't also starting the next chapter of their lives, it is never going to work. You will eventually lose common interests while you are going to class and he is working his 9-5. Make sure you remember why you're paying thousands of dollars a semester to be there. You are there for a purpose and regardless of the relationship, remember you should always feel motivated and supported by the people that tell you they love you.
College feels confusing and frustrating now, but just know that every single emotion and hardship you are going to endure is going to mold you into the person you were born to be. Take a leap of faith and jump on every opportunity thrown your way.
the experienced